Kent Slaymaker

I think it’s all part of the master plan to ultimately ban all non-European immigrants into the US. What happens when you separate and incarcerate an entire class of children from their parents? It’s inevitable that at least some of them will end up in poverty, be trafficked as sex workers, or will be forced into some

Canadian here.

Trump has openly supported summary executions of drug dealers, and we know he has used “drug dealers” as a synonym for “Mexican” and “immigrant” in the past.

We just need lots more people like her running for these seats, she’s going to need support to fix this broken system.

Personally speaking, I think the blather about ‘supporting the troops’ is talking out of one side of their (anybody who subscribes to this jingoist bs) faces. Yeah, you ‘support the troops’ but what does that even mean? Not sending them off to pointless wars to be maimed or killed or sent back traumatized? Not funding

In general, we agree that humans have certain intrinsic rights. Most countries codify those rights, and there are several international agreements outlining what we generally agree on as human rights.

I have to listen to Pelosi and these people saying, ‘We have to respect them. They’re human beings.’ They’re not human beings. They’re not human beings.

I did not realize it was Memorial Day weekend until two hours ago, when the server at the restaurant where I ate

...grappling with a generational trauma that causes oppressed communities to recreate the behavior of their oppressors

Come on now, folks. What did you expect a bunch of avowed Christians to do, clothe and feed them?

And now we’ve gone the full Orwell. Welcome to the Minsitry of Truth Sarah, they’ve been waiting for you.

Yes, I snapped up this image when someone posted it a few days ago:

When did human DNA begin to degrade to the point of this? Trapping a stranger in a public restroom, then claiming victimhood, and threatening violence? 

Aw, that’s adorable. A couple of long guns meeting for the first time on a beautiful Spring day.

I actually had a black police officer with me the whole time.

The biggest issue is that even though it is hyperbole (and yes I was intentionally using hyperbole because even crass sarcasm is indistinguishable from reality right now) there is a non-zero chance of it playing out exactly that way.

Like he’d listen to the experts even if he could read?