Have you met and spoken with the MAGA crowd?
Have you met and spoken with the MAGA crowd?
Nah, the contempt for wypipo is based on their actions, not because they simply exist. It is situational, not systemic. If and when a White man is hunted down by helicopter and shot dead in his backyard for simply being there, we can revisit this distinction. Until then, keep fucking that chicken.
The thread I see through this is that white people are reacting to how things make them feel while minorities are reacting to how things affect their lives and livelihood, and that is how such a power disparity plays out. Is that a fair thing to draw out?
I just can’t get over how everyone is jumping on this band wagon of liking the unfaithful money-grubbing status-obsessed gun-owner real estate agency wife who is really mean to her daughter because her husband also sucks. What could be less feminist than to apologize for a shitty woman by saying “yeah, but her husband…
Well, considering how obsessed conservative men are with proving to everyone how manly and tough they are, while demeaning any liberal for being weak, cowardly, or womanly, it makes perfect sense that they are just projecting their own cowardice outward.
Slavery was America’s vibranium.
A lot of these people will only dig in deeper as more of this comes out because despite the sophistication of what the Russians did, the average person does not and cannot admit to being wrong or fooled.
Yep. The truest thing he ever said was the bit about how he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. God knows it doesn’t happen very often, but once in a while Donny Two Scoops hits the nail right on the head.
Unless Putin is a Scooby Doo villain, what Russia has been doing to our electoral process isn’t “meddling”, it’s attacking. I wish professional journalists would start calling this what it truly is.
Bannon overplayed his hand by thinking people would side with him, rather than Trump. Americans love, love themselves a bully. Bannon is a troll, not a bully.
Right after you quit telling me what I can and cannot say.
I want an emotional support performance artist. He or she would follow me around and perform non-verbal actions that would be intended to buffer my tormented ego day to day.
This this this this. this. I am so furious. She’s not a fucking child. She knew better and didn’t care, assumed she could get away with it anyway and then flushed an animal she claimed to need for emotional support down a toilet. That’s animal abuse by an adult. What the ever loving fuck.
“Now, have you learned how to properly interact with a police officer?” I can only nod. “You don’t need a ticket for this, do you? Move along, you are blocking traffic.”
Jesus christ, that is horrifying. I am sorry that you went through that.
I’m sorry and I hope the person who did that to you dies a painful death. That’s all I have.
Cops may as well not even be carrying tazers, pepperspray, or batons anymore I guess if the thought of a pocketknife being brandished against them instantly makes them reach for their gun. What a fucking joke. Really sorry to hear that you’re going through this, but glad that it didn’t end up worse than it could have.
I’ve had the same headache since 2 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 4. My son has had the same nightmares every night since then as…
I wish I could find the whole skit to post.