While Melini Stamp of the Working Families Party, an endorsing organization, declined to comment on an occupation-type event, she did say that this will likely have a “very different look and feel” than the Occupy Movement did.
While Melini Stamp of the Working Families Party, an endorsing organization, declined to comment on an occupation-type event, she did say that this will likely have a “very different look and feel” than the Occupy Movement did.
Ten internet dollars says a follow up letter to this will be something like, “Dear Agatha, my boyfriend is offended and now has the sads because I told him penetration alone isn’t enough. Help!”
Literally the dumbest thing said by anybody, ever.
I’m not pro-violence, however...
“It would be interesting to see if the officer has any other remarks anywhere like this and which side it is directed at if at all or if he is just a typical meat-head bro just having a laugh.”
Maybe some do. It’s a bit of a Catch-22 though, posting a comment acknowledging having read it and learning from it. First, because it shows that I didn’t consider how in this context expressions of support can be seen as self-aggrandizing and vain and adding insult to injury - few people like to admit to being…
Fucked up, ain’t it? To think that one day we may have to get the Germans to come over here to fight the Nazis.
Read them and took them to heart, yeah.
Ark. engineering dude makes me laugh, wearing his T-SHIRT which is basically a bulleye/You found Waldo sign on him.
Hey, so who do I talk to about getting my Good Ally button? I donated to NAACP last month and have yet to receive it. The only way that people know is I have to tell each person, and it’s getting exhausting. /s
This whole “drain the swamp” thing is extra ironic because swamps are really important ecosystems and draining them often has very detrimental effects.
She spent years upon years in politics to get to this point and lost to a far less qualified reality TV star. Of course she’s emotional. I’d be seeing red.
Continue to be try and better person every day. Help all people who need it, treat all people with respect. That’s my plan.
Never underestimate White Supremecy.
As the old Jewish joke goes, whenever I’m feeling down, I read Der Sturmer. It tells me that my people are endlessly rich and run the world.
It’s like each rust belt person who lost their job now equals 2 million voters.
If it is indeed the Pence Administration that we will be getting, then we are truly fucked.
As I’m comforting my Muslim spouse as she sobs about what this means for her, I don’t have time for nausea. I just want her to be okay. I want to live in a place where an interfaith lesbian couple with disabilities aren’t seen as the enemy. I’m tired of our lives hanging in the balance every goddamn election because…
I’m going to be annoying but there is a reason there are food safe laws. I’m not saying this woman’s ceviche is going to make you sick, but selling food that you make in your standard kitchen cannot be guaranteed safe.