Kent Slaymaker

Mm, this hurts. I think I’m fucking this up. I steal my kisses, often. I’ve gotta stop. This article is amazing and I have a lot to learn about parenting. It’s really hard to shift gears, but I will try.

1.) Gross. This shows that Billy Bush is a smarmy little fuck. (He’s a Bush so that shouldn’t surprise me, but for some reason it does)

Heads up - I’m a black dude. This is pretty much standard procedure if they know you’re black. Guns out, come up cautiously. You make any sudden moves, you are dead.

You might want to look into aerial and circus arts. I do aerial silks, hoop, and hammock. It’s a lot of fun and similar to gymnastics, but more performance based than competitive.

I knew a guy (an athlete friend of mine) who used to say that “if you are trying to decide whether or not you should go work out today, the answer is always yes, because you wouldn’t be debating it if you didn’t already know that you have the time and were physically able.”

Now playing

Wait no more : here is the Ken Burns Captain America : Civil War documentary

I’m really looking forward to the 5 part Ken Burns documentary about this civil war.

Chiwetel Ejiofor was absolutely the best part of the Serenity movie.