
According to Toyota, the meaning of the “bZ4X” nameplate breaks down into two meanings: “bZ”, representing the nature of a battery-electric vehicle by going “beyond Zero” emissions; and “4X” describing it as a compact crossover SUV, where its numerical digit is sourced from the equivalent-sized RAV4.

Were they inside a Model 3 that was inside the Model Y that’s being reported on?

Considering the state of film criticism on the internet, I have to ask, do you mean actual plot holes, nitpicks, or Cinema Sins style plot holes?

Also, what were they?

Monthly housing prices for many are not very high”

At least he had the common sense to wait until he was back in the US, or he could have VinDisappeared.

Great write up. Kudos on not being afraid to speak truth to power.

Looks fantastic and like nothing else. People will say it’s too expensive, but I think It’s smart. No other $300k+ luxury sedan offers this level of modern design; they all cater to old school luxury. I bet there’s plenty of new-money crypto bros who would rather have this over a Rolls. Though we all know the ultimate

Honestly, would prefer the Dodge, since that Alfa front end looks like someone saw the Edsel and said “hold my beer.”  

It was Rama.

SMH, you obviously don’t understand any of this. What sets apart the Lightning from other EV trucks is that it looks like a gas truck whereas the rest of the EV trucks look like EV trucks. The Lightning is different because we specifically chose to be different from the already different trucks by being the same. See

You need a Toyota in your fleet as the support vehicle.

At least the touch bar lights up

As a bong hit enthusiast I take great umbrage at the notion that the marvelous little device is responsible for such a bad idea. 

Reading comments from Tesla stans are always entertaining.

I think this is closer to the CX-3/CX-30 in size & spec. 

Kona N already did it.

Nah, car rules.

Empirically speaking, you are wrong.

My 1992 Dodge Caravan, Old XF and F-Type all have the nozzles on the wipers, so this isn’t a new invention. What does appear to be new and quite nice is the amount of nozzles, which should helped with all that baked on goodness.