
Deadites are the best demons I’ve ever seen. I be they all laugh w each other at how Reagan from the Exorcist never Takes It To The Limit.

I really wish these characters were allowed to each bounce off each visited era’s inherent, unavoidable social / religious / racial / sexual bullshit exactly in character. The show would be even better for it.

THANK YOU! I was like, oh fucking shit! Gambi’s this Universe’s Shadow? Where’s the Red Scarf?!?
(also Gambi being The Shadow would go a LOOOONG way towards explaining his ever-expanding skillset)

Mocks Rory is a dedicated villain in the comics.

Motherfucking Hardware from DC Milestone!

The writing is Cracker Jack great when it’s just the Waverider personality fishbowl.

Imagine being a 15yr old kid trying to hunt down tangent issues integral to a major Crossover.

“Oh my God!”

Zari’s compliment about her cynicism vs the benefit everyone being a little more like Ray making the world a better place was genuine and very sweet. “Because You would do it.”

I’d like an all brown DCCW crossover. No explanation why they all crossed universes. No acknowledgement of any other DCCW characters. Just the Lightning Family, Spartan, Mister Terrific, Wild Dog, Kid Flash, Vixen, Isis, Martian Manhunter, and mayyyybe Guardian fighting a corrupt Police force on Universe 666 or some

I feel these aggressive Jefferson / secrets-keeping Gambi bits are both DCCW unnecessary drama generators that are beneath what we’ve seen of Black Lightning as a show so far, and I’d like them resolved and forgotten ASAP.

Do you have a link from a local news source or court document specifically citing the toy gun? Not disputing your claim. I’d just like to have a source that internet jackasses can’t argue against claiming Bias, like you expect them to do against TheRoot / Blavity / etc, for my own sharing purposes.

Now playing

God. Dammit. You mean Joe Dante DIDN’T actually vivisect Martin Short?

You’re not in the grey. Take yourself down of The Cross.

At the Same time, I get it: the only lesson Conservatives seem to practice from Christ isn’t Human Empathy - it’s self-martyrdom.

Or appeal to his terribly short attention span / hatred of any political adversary: “Considering the United Nations has referred to Ulysses Klaue’s affiliates as the Masters of Evil, do you support this budding defense contractor’s use of sonic weapons against sovereign Wakandan natives while defending potentially

“Considering the United Nations has referred to Ulysses Klaue’s affiliates as the Masters of Evil, do you support this budding defense contractor’s use of sonic weapons against sovereign Wakandan natives while defending potentially illegal vibranium mining operations?”

Yeah, people can grump about Vice Admiral Holdo keeping the escape plan secret, but General Leia stunned Mutineer Poe’s ass immediately after waking from her goddamned Force coma.

Puppet Ghost Yoda = fuck you to the Prequels CGI short-lightsabre whirling dervish.

Poe getting his ass spanked by Vice Admiral Holdo for his wreckless bullshit. And then General Leia immediately spanking Poe’s ass, as soon as she woke up from her Force coma, for attempting to mutiny Holdo.

And she’s had 30 fucking years to get there. Probably more than a few one-on-one lessens w/ Luke as he was launching Skywalker Montessori Academy Kickstarter, and then a couple decades + on her own, practicing / building her force powers outside normal Jedi convention.

Hypothesis: had Carrie Fisher lived, LucasDisney

Side note, Lava Castle scene in Rogue One featured a Vader Pun, and all I could think after the Prequels is “God Dammit, Anakin.” I still refuse to believe Ep 4-6 Vader is really Hayden Christensen.