Honestly, I thought that once Roman presented his “deal,” that the Success Montage thereafter was just Marla’s fantasy. And it would end w/ her and Fran getting murdered as Marla was signing what she thought to be business partnership paperwork after Roman & Jennifer’d been freed.
Plus yeah, no way Marla would have…
Moffat’s definitely a Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure fan.
You seem to think I’m upset.
lol imagine an Aussie pretty boy tv star playing a cult fave genre villain in an American motion picture. Absolutely sillypants.
Finally watched the 2nd half of Season 3 last night (I got bummed when Bruce announced Ash’s retirement, and didn’t want to get sad watching the finale upon original airing). I love Kelly and Pablo, and despite both their getting sidelined vs. Brandy, hope the Ghost Beaters get another Raimi-helmed adventure.
Bruh. Bruh. Action beats ARE plot. #2019
You got any blueberry MacGuffins?
Yeah I get the feeling Ennis would be an “assimilate or get out” asshat nowadays based on this page. Hopefully he’s changed over the years.
Wire mesh / fencing. As per the article:
This shitbag loaded up the exits with accelerant to trap employees inside, and he hid out to spray escaping employees w/ accelarant that burned them alive, so thanks aka no thanks for your fucking speculation.
To be fair, every single Agent of SHIELD portrayed on this show makes boneheaded, self-righteous decisions at the behest of whatever individual moral compass they personally carry around. Because efficiency and rational thinking would make for short episodes / arcs.
I read the campaign pitch, and as per the comments, folks didn’t bite on the shaming, they contributed to help someone struggling to help his family.
re: “had she done ‘the right thing’” - wading in hypotheticals. Another hypothetical: had she or anyone else spoken to this young man and then told his story, another…
I’ll call your bullshit cynicism, and raise you every comment in the GoFundMe so far:
Horny Con Stapleton was hilarious.
“Big man. Wu, Big Man.”
I saw this comment!
The family portrait just wrecks Dwight’s reality!