
I mean, I am all for positive representation of groups in cinema and tv, I just don’t understand how one would determine whether a group is over or under represented.

Whoa, now! Didn’t you know the math and statistics are the purest form of bigotry?

What’s the correct amount of representation for a group that is maybe 4.1% of the population according to Gallup Polling in 2016? If it is supposed to be proportional to their existence in society, wouldn’t that mean they are over represented?

The corporate powers are neither aligned with right or left, they are aligned with where their bread is buttered. You think they care who is in power when their lobbyists have hands in both side of the aisles pockets? When the left is in power they will gladly outsource jobs to slaves in poor countries, while

I never said Breitbart or Fox wasn’t full of shit. (They are.) I never said it was a liberal conspiracy either, just that the right and left are being purposefully divided against each other to keep them distracted while more money is funneled to the top. You cannot deny that there is collusion among the media from

You get your information from left-wing propaganda mills. Now, do you think those corporations have your best interest at heart? It’s both sides of the same coin, divide and conquer. They want you to focus your hate on the “right” and not pay attention to who are really pulling the strings. Just like they want the

Also, they killed children including babies.

Actually you should read up on that one a bit. But its easier to call someone a racist than to actually read history.

Go for it... I do every time someone says “White Privilege”

Ghostbusters, at least, was a commercial success.

Yeah, I was gonna comment that the submariner forces probably have REALLY good data since the Mapping agencies (don’t know what they’re called these days - were “Defense Mapping Agency”) have been mapping the world for decades.

This is much higher resolution data than was publicly available, but 40 foot bins using 3d seismic data is not exactly high resolution. Hull mounted multibeam should be able to produce anywhere from 1 foot to 25 foot bins at those depths, and auv bathymetry systems can produce 1 foot bins at all depths. If the data

And where exactly is this neighborhood?

well.... its easier to catch the immigrants whos adresses you have innit..

I got $100 that says Trump serves his full term and at least runs for a second.

The only major thing I’ve disagreed with him on so far is his major hard on for going to war with Iran. Otherwise, he’s actually surprisingly moderate on the views he’s shared. He doesn’t care if someone serving in the military is gay so long as they do their job the same as anyone else. He doesn’t believe

Well, that’s because Clinton, Bush, Obama, and several presidents would qualify as war criminals. I guess that’s one of those things we just started to ignore since it became the status quo.

Thats because this writer like everyone on thsi network is no better then a common blogger, and does not know nor understand half of what they are talking about.

You didn’t really explain why Mattis is a bad person beyond working in the administration. My understanding is that he is a generally good person who is respected by pretty much everyone (except bloggers who wanted to the list to appear as long as possible).

elementary understanding you have. Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source. Reps didn’t “witness” anything. Stop reaching so hard.