
Generally muggers, you know, steal stuff from the guy they are mugging.

What puzzles me is that even if they somehow get something to impeach him on, there will be civil war. 500 armed angry people could effectively shut down power and communications to all major cities. How do these limp wristed commies think they would survive the hungry hordes?


An article to read for the doubters.

You don’t think MSNBCBSCNN does the same thing with a liberal slant, painting all Trump supporters as evil racist nazis? That every problem in the world is because of evil white people?

I raise you one Rowdy Gowdy. Lock her up! ;)

Facts are racist now.

Obama will go down for this, and the looks on all these idiots faces is gonna be priceless.

Read up on many of the Colour revolutionsof the past 30 years and you’ll see Soros’ slimy mitts involved in funding them through various NGOs. Ukraine being a good starting point, both in the end of the USSR and recently in ousting the pro russian government for a NATO favoured one.

It boggles the mind how many of these “progressives” want to fill their countries with people of the most intolerant religion in the world. They’ve gone off the deep end completely. In many muslim countries homosexuality will get you killed FFS

Keeping an inspiring amount of his campaign promises only 2 weeks into his presidency is the exact opposite of shitting on the people who voted for him. How’s Obama doin on closin down Gitmo “day one”? Keep on losin bud.