
Lotta good memin goin on, this is my fav.

Everything about this episode, and much of the season, has been ridiculous, and not in a good way.

Been around forever, almost always wins, almost impossible to beat, and does it all with a detached arrogance.

This episode was super dumb. Jon Snow and Co’s mission was dumb on almost every level. The Arya/Sansa stuff was equally ridiculous.

Also, great throw. Maybe the Jets should sign the Knight King.

From Hardhome Depot, of course!

OK I’ll bite. You guys are so obviously and completely biased that it is humorous. TDS they call it. Trump Derangement Syndrome; and you all got it in aces! I love the constant bashing, like the spurned girl friend who knows she doesn’t stand a chance but she just keeps on crapping about it. So typical.

“I came to Gizmodo to read about gizmo’s aka a fucking tech blog. Now every 6 of 10 articles on the landing page is about trump or race.”

But it doesn’t matter if they dont want to listen. Constitution applies to everyone, even if we don’t agree with them. If we start harassing peoples’ right to free speech, then where do we draw the line exactly?

Yeah as u can see from the other responses it’s “omg if u don’t react with such hate towards these people then you are a racist yourself”. I couldn’t care less about these protesters or the counter protesters. I care about going to a tech blog on my free time and actually reading about tech

Wow. How brave of you.

That’s the first thing I took away from this article. This is straight up propaganda in itself. Just like Breitbart or Fox. I’m cool with being left but not left or die.

I thought being a journalist was supposed to be unbiased? This website has become amazingly slanted.

Don’t get used to it. Without changes your costs are going to skyrocket. Then you will join the rest of us who got hosed by Obama.

Don’t let the Centrists piggy back off of everyone else’s convictions.

Is this written by or for anyone who does not live in San Francisco or Brooklyn

So who exactly will vote for such an amendment? Certainly not the people who benefit from it.

That’s what we want. Reform campaign financing to reinstate the caps, remove super-PACs, and put a stranglehold on lobbying until it’s blue in the face.

So you wouldn’t see a problem with a hard right National Socialist party in this system?

Wouldn’t these problems work themselves out if you got rid of the donor class? How about a public finance party? Get the constitutional amendment to publicly finance all elections, outlaw private donations, and all of the sudden, the economic status quo that inexorable drags us to disparity will suddenly vanish.