
It is pretty messed up that the average American woman weighs over 176 pounds.

Writing about the presidential budget is like pissing into the wind. It is fruitless and stupid because the president doesn’t even set the budget. It is a pointless exercise to charge up your base.

The Miami night club massacre was during Obama. These peaceful individuals don’t care about American politics.

It’s also the decade of publically shaming people for making dumb jokes, which results in their lives being destroyed and people losing their jobs solely for trying to make a joke. But hey, at least people on Twitter/Facebook/etc. now are able to pretend they’re on higher moral ground by shaming others.

They’re busy posting “Told ya so” after every trending news story involving the religion of peace.

we should march for islam!

What do you say about the fact that the number one source of conversion to Islam in America occurs in prison? They prey on criminals because they are criminals.

Are you a female? Are you currently covered from head to toe? Are you literate? Have you ever driven a car? Have you ever touched a man in public? If the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the remaining questions are wrong, there are a significant number of people out there that would have no

gawker media has never let fact checking get in the way of a good story title so stop trying to defend their thinly veiled agenda.

its the religion of peace bro, those kids were just in the way

Those pesky Southern Baptists are at it again...

You seem like one of the hateful shits who hate this type of tragedy, because reality conflicts with your retarded virtue signaling and evil values. A soulless robot who know nothing of empathy.

Seven seconds into the first Twitter video you can see the reflection of the explosion off the glass building. Top left corner right before you hear the blast. (Just in case no one else noticed.)

Pretty damn tired of these bloody Muslims blowing people up, then having the media dress the whole thing up as a “Lone Wolf”.

Here we go again ,More from the religion of Peace.

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

Muzzies gonna muzzie

Fuck off. Nail bombs. Islam. Fuck you.

British talk radio station LBC is saying there was a bomb and it was loaded with metal bits, shrapnel, similar to a nail bomb.