
Are you really going to assert that HC wasn’t selected?

except today Al Jazeera is reporting that the source was actually a Jordanian Spy. Boy which “anonymous” source to believe, decisions decisions.

So obviously it means nothing to all the haters that the other people involved in the conversation said that there was absolutely no classified information divulged. Typical Democrat hate mongers. Ignore the actual facts to distort the narrative to fit your feeble agenda. Happens more and more everyday. Just watch CNN

He’ll be the one in charge of the camps.

There is no credible evidence that Trump asked Comey to shutdown any investigation. Why isn’t the memo credible? because if it is, Comey was derelict in his duty. His immediate response to a request like that would be to respond to the president that his suggestion would be illegal, and to inform the AG and other

It’s pretty hard for me to work up much sympathy for Israel.

Gizmodo has become a complete parody site. Now, five out of six headlines read “Donald Trump, blah, blah, blah, stupid, blah, blah, crazy, blah, blah...” It is getting more and more difficult to wade through the garbage to find actual news. Stick to what you know, tech news.

I understand the appeal of not following sports in Miami, where there are amazing beaches, music, and fishing to be had, but I am curious as to what better things Atlantans have to do.

Also start taking in more refugees.

“… deliver an inspiring but direct speech on the need to confront radical ideology and the president’s hopes for a peaceful vision of Islam to dominate across the world.”

NSA Advisor McMaster says the story is false.

The radioactive waste by-product is horrifically toxic and unsafe and expensive to contain and maintain. See the radioactive leak and subsequent shut down of the San Onofre power plant in San Diego in 2012.

everyone’s gotta be so edgy. all i want are cooking recipes and to know which car goes the fastest. now i have to read about how “brave” journalists are as theyre thrown in the Gulag. so boring.

this is the company that got bankrupted by a judge while Obama was president; it will be funny to see how they shoot themselves in the foot this time

Seriously? You must not have much of an imagination. Chernobyl. 3 Mile Island. Fukishima Daiichi. Thats not enough of an example to show that these things can never be completely safe, mostly due to the fact that it’s impossible to predict all forms of human stupidity?

I think calling CNN a ‘highly respected news organization’ is a stretch. They colluded with Clinton to interfere with not only the primaries but also the presidential election itself. They were instructed by Clinton to give Trump huge airtime in the primaries to make him the ‘pied piper’ candidate that they could

I’ll just leave this here :

I agree free national ID cards are the way to go. I’m sure people will find a way to call that racist.

Do you have evidence that they plan on doing this?

Gotta fulfill that Univision quota of 2 Anti-Trump articles per day from each author.