Kumiko Akimoto

Ima be over here enjoying Fire Emblem games.

The Wii U is the perfect console for it, not sure why they haven’t already.


If she doesn’t, then god damn is that depressing.

Considering how hard it is to actually find a copy of Pandoras Tower it could be good for people who know what it is. For those would don’t... ya could be a better title.

OMG! Wait, so you mean Bernie cares about both men AND women who died in police custody? And he’s not a seasoned Twitter user?? What a fucking asshole! BOOOOO THAT MAN.

That’s not FDA approved.

School-live should be on here it looks like your typical moe anime (actually it looks like the most moe thing ive ever seen) but watch the first episode till the end and you are in for one horrific surprise never judge a book by its cover you never know who’s insane

Still disappointed in New Rise, didn’t even try to sound like Old Rise.

Zelda is a princess. How does that translate to a sheriff or deputy?

You’re not imagining things.

Why are Lets Plays BS? They’re not all horror games.

Desensitised. It’s how Resident Evil 1 was scary and is now just a comedy sandwich.

Japan being all but defenseless on it’s own and continuing to rely on foreign nations to provide it’s defense seems a bad thing in my opinion. If Japan can have an honest to god military and stand on it’s own, I say they should go for it.

Perhaps I misspoke. When I say they are bigger concerns, it is because Japan is a non-concern. Yes you shouldn’t stop being concerned about something just because there are more pressing matters. But you shouldn’t be chasing shadows when there are legitimate threats out there.

Japan is getting scary again? Hardly. Russia, North Korea, and IS are far bigger concerns. But I’m guessing you’re either Chinese or Korean so as far as you’re concerned Japan hasn’t changed in the past sixty years.

they will be fine real world rules don’t apply to fiction