Kumiko Akimoto

Its not dead in japan so...

I’m a healthy growing girl and I enjoy a nice dose of t&a from time to time.

As per usual

i know doctors dont have the best fashion sense but this is just bland and lazy.

how about people draw what they want?

Omg someone voiced their opinion about the reviewers criticism how awful.

1 2 and 3 and somewhat 4 were great tho, and they don’t need that angle at all

Considering how the tumblr community is I wouldn’t either. Nothing is ever right for them no matter how hard you try to make your game inclusive.

Looks like jim sterling is gonna give mario odyssey a bad review

This is why trump was elected

Yes because the neo nazis that marched in Charlottesville definitely had kek gear on.

He could have simply asked pewdiepie to not play his games anymore and would have looked like the bigger person if pewds didn’t listen. Instead he just looks like a child throwing a tantrum.

I’m still amazed that something as simple as placing a towel to cover the naughty bits is a green light for steam.

All they would have to do get around this is a fade to black screen when the sex comes up and a patch that replaces the sex 


While cute as that sounds, they’re already under surveillance and can’t do any damage without serious legal repercussions. Equating modern day neo nazis to the hitler nazi regime is emotional fear mongering. They are not comparable at all.

So you’re going to ignore the video evidence of both sides fucking up?

Well they don’t really need to fake antifa account to makes them look bad, when antifa does that to itself.

If they have all the legal documents and aren’t causing mayhem then their fine.

Why do people keep equating modern day neo nazis to old nazi regime when it’s impossible for them to do anything like taking over a country or mass genocide. They aren’t even popular with the general populace and are considered domestic terrorist. It just sounds like fear mongering to me,when we already have all the