Kumiko Akimoto

Makoto’s Persona reveal

Double standards.

...Yet they still keep the ball-kick in the censored version, right? Because sexual assault against men is A-Okay?

Eh I don’t have an issue with anything you described. As you point out, waiting is the name of the game in any version of AC, and the games are designed specifically to be played in small chunks every day: talk to some animals, do a few chores, do a few bell-earning activities, and then do it all again tomorrow. That

Y’all. I love the stuff you discuss on this website, but I have an English degree, too. I know how to churn up BS for the sake of “discussion,” too. Making the creators out to be gun-shy at best or secretly racist at worst is irresponsible of you.

2016 was 6 years ago? Was my nap really that long? Or are you just throwing hyperbole against a wall because LUL NINTENDO SUCKS LOL

They don’t hide their identities now.

Per Heather’s article on Friday about the game’s opening:
I will have a full review of The New Colossus early next week.”

So it’s on the way. Remember, Bethesda doesn’t send out review copies of their games early to anyone anymore (especially Kotaku) so any review you’ve already read is from someone who BLAZED through

What if these women just want to look amazing while in combat? Practicality is cool and all, but it’s not visually that interesting. That’s why male armor and outfits are not practical most of the time either, IF you look at them closely.

I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

I don’t think that’s true. Millions of people with addiction have managed to learn to control it, either by abstaining completely or by cutting down. That’s a fact, isn’t it? How do you square that with your statement?

I fail to see the issue, provided that they don’t give an advantage in competitive play.

I think this is overly dramatic.

Loot boxes are definitely a first world problem.

when a car is used to run through a crowd you should tell us the congresscritters who took money from the auto industry too.

Yes , the internet is toxic, but this is not about the internet as a whole, its about game dev and game dev interaction that happens within the gaming community. how many bass fisherman are flocking in from their forums to cuss out a game dev for world of warcraft item nerfs.

I’m literally paid to do both.

This a call back to Kanye saying Bush doesn’t care about black people. It’s a joke.

and then there’s they guys who preemptively call out things when it’s not happening

This is all kinds of dumb.