It's art. You're the joke for criticizing a lack of practicality in a painting.
It's art. You're the joke for criticizing a lack of practicality in a painting.
I just had this conversation with someone else in another article about anime. The fact that One Piece has loads of filler and lots of terrible pacing. He takes five pages to say something he could have said in one and sometimes delves way more then is needed for explaining basic characters or plot points. So we have…
Maybe your standards are too high.
I’m not sure what’s to be controversial about the (potential) rape scene though. It’s not like the game doesn’t make it incredibly clear that Corneo is a creepy motherfucker.
Would love to have the pinup style clothes as an option for my female characters in DCUO.
Reminds me of the time Gordon Ramsay turned cheese whiz into “fondu” and duped a whole troop of chef school graduates.
What? People can’t enjoy novelty without being a snob?
Fun Fact: They tested the surfaces on the NYC Subway, and found active vaginal yeast on most of them.
Which was censored in all versions of Dragonball afterwards...
Wait, how is the P3/4 universe timeline complicated? If you play the games, they usually end up telling you which events from other games are happening parallel at a given time, or before the game’s events.
A consultant? What companies has Anita worked for? She is a critic, she never attacks developers. Movie critcs are always labelling movies as “mysoginist” (look at “The Longest Ride” or “Sin City 2” critcs on Metacritic) and they never recieve such hate. The problem with videogames are “entitled gamers” who think…
is that a bulge
Because it’s cool to try and paint anyone associated with the anime/manga industries as some kind of deviant. Just like how the media enjoys tossing out the ‘otaku’ label whenever possible in relation to a crime, as if anime made them do it. ┐(ˇーˇ)┌
I wonder how SAO is so popular here.
Naruto legitimately ends up less then a gaywad then what he is in Series 1 and 2 (shippuden). I guess losing an arm will do that.
I actually like Adult!Naruto in the Gaiden mini manga series.
Well they did have SOME technology, even back in the first series. When they became genin, they had some sort of communicators and Orochimaru had access to certain levels of technology.
Pretty sure those white people are just over at faux news and older then 65.
Actually claymation is pretty awesome....but Xillia looks more like a painted picture than clay....