Kumiko Akimoto

It has two fighting games and now a dancing game. People like them. What’s the problem here?

At least it's the fun kind of ridiculous...

I’m sorry- I don’t understand this strange language you speak. Is it a twisted dialect of fanboi?

MHX, Etrian Odyssey Untold 2, the new Fire Emblem and Bravely Second...

Yeah. *Totally* less interesting than the upcoming VITA games.

but he’s a pretty great artist so, he’s got that going for him

It was announced for Wii U with initial teaser.

I think even from the beginning it was a WiiU game

It was so good that they showed it to us twice.

“It’s coming to Xbox One in 2016”

Evidently, to the baron it was very tempting. :P

Funny, several women gamers I know are going crazy for him right now.

Generic: I don’t like what you like so i’ll call it generic.

WWWWWWwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... That’s you, that’s what you sound like

Don’t you get it, Luke? If it’s on mobile then it’s automatically bad!!! Because we, the sole Gatekeepers, Tastemakers, and Authorities on What is Game sayeth so!

We knew it was a panty shot simulator ever since it was announced, though...

It’s a great sitcom and it’s funny smart in a way... It’s not as good as it was at the beginning, but hey, it’s still better than most of the tv shows out there.

When has the show mocked the autistic? If we’re talking about Sheldon I thought his deal was always that he was just very self-centered.

You asked for it, let it be said the benevolent glorious pc gaming master race is kind and generous to the less fortunate!

Too bad no one gives a flying fuck about what you think.