
An eating disorder is an illness.

You’re mostly there—although you focus too much on individual responsibility where what we actually need is massive investment in public infrastructure.

This is ridiculous. Nobody (that matters) is denying that climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time.

oh christ another boomer who thinks children aren’t authentic whole people

This is where I agree with Clarkson. If Greta wants to make the most of her 15 minutes, she SHOULD be talking about these kinds of policies, not just fear-mongering. Is fear-mongering necessary? Absolutely. But if that’s all she’s got, she will lose momentum in a hurry.


probably immediately respond with a quip like ‘well, that certainly seems like a Modest Proposal, we’ll give that some thought’”

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

Sorry you must now give yourself to the Lord of Light.

I’m not talking about Trump voters, to whom the mysterious workings of their own assholes are likely inscrutable and complicated, and who don’t care about anything wrong he does anyway.  For literally anyone smarter than that, this one’s incredibly easy: he leaned on a foreign power to help him in his 2020 campaign.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

“Fancy Farm” sounds like a place where Lindsey Graham looks for bulls.

I’m laughing pretty hard at the moment because I know there will be a point where Universal Studios execs will realize they just green lit multi million dollar furry porn. 

That essay and the concept of “ur-fascism” more broadly was making the rounds not too long ago. It’s incredibly relevant, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem like there’s any real penetration into the American psyche. It’s not the people who read the New York Review of Books who need convincing, generally speaking.

I wish I could say it took more than a quick cut-and-paste from Wikipedia to demonstrate her point. But jeez:

You = child diddler until proven othewise. 

Haha! Drats, foiled again.

I have a 2 year old, I’ve rewatched Moana about 500 times.

It’s funny because usually Floyd is the one knocking people on their back. Though they are often women.

Well yes, that’s how all apologies that don’t involve time travel work.