
Sign my crack pipe, mister?

They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?

Oooh, la-di-da Mr. or Ms. I Can Afford Ground Beef.

5 guys in a cramped condo is the name of The Bulls offense, coincidentally.

Whatever you choose, it will never be good enough.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.

You can’t possibly think that pulling a gun on someone is worse than actual (gang) rape.

Only those whose who believe we are in the middle of a coup are “self aware”?

When did I say I opposed immigrants from the 7 failed states? I just said a 90 moratorium until they can figure out a way to vet them doesn’t seem unreasonable. Evidently that is too you.

Actually you are right, they are the same. Both are paranoid views held by extreme partisans with no critical thinking skills.

Serious question. Are there any level-headed people out there anymore? I didn’t vote for Trump and there is little of his agenda I support, but the fact that people think he wishes to create a police state is frankly insane. I don’t support the “Muslim Ban” but I understand the reasoning behind it. 7 failed nation

Republican in the Whitehouse! Time to forget about all the thousands of people killed in Obama’s wars!

I’m pretty sure Zion’s not going to be playing in Europe after college.

You could have just said, “As an asshole . . .”

Same thing the crazy people on the right said about Obama. Now the crazy left is going to pick up that ball and run with it?

If you ever watched Stephen Jackson play you already knew this. It’s like finding out John Daly was drunk in the nineties.

It would take the kicker being able to kick it 75 yards and straight enough to go through the uprights. I’ll have to think about your second question.


Jock? Walk. Jayhawk.

Man, even from beyond the grave Wilt Chamberlain can’t resist padding his stats.