
I don’t think the profile really changed my view of her.

Andy Dalton

“The trash store called...they’re running out of YOU!”

Okay, I get that this Russian model is publishing images of Kit Harington to promote her own name, but I don’t get why you would 1) publicly insult someone who had an affair with you and tried to help you (if that’s what happened) and 2) why should publishing nude, non-consensual pics of a passed out man be any more

I’m no fan of Rita Ora, but this is dumb. People have lip-synced forever in parades and unless you live in a cave, you should know this.

Judging from the headline I knew she was going to be terrible but I never ever in a million years could have guessed that “dwarf-tossing” would come into play. Just wtf. 

Hard nope on the “humans used to live to 45" crap. They lived to 60 or so.

This was a stupid post. 

His great-grandfather and name sake, Armand Hammer, owned Arm & Hammer for awhile. Although it had been named long before him.

Shocked. Shocked to find that a man who was so good at trolling Trump was just because he knew exactly the kind of man Trump is: the same as himself.

From his mom?

If someone was like “I’ll buy you a car worth half a mil,” I wouldn’t be like “Oh no, a Ford Focus is just fine for me!” Be fucking greedy! These dumbass men are willing to throw piles of money at beautiful women for the pleasure of their company? Take them for all they are worth.  You aren’t going to be young

What’s wrong with being an escort? 

Ooooooooooooor, he could’ve recognized that he was in a position of power and kept his dick in his pants no matter if a pretty young intern was making goo-goo eyes at him?

I. . . don’t know what your point here is. But ok. 

Lifestyle/ fitness endorsements. So Virginia Slims ads in Woman’s World? 

I once saw a man shit into a cardboard box while waiting for the L train. I now consider that the second most offensive thing I’ve ever seen in the subway.

spontaneous my ass.

I don’t want this stupid birthday party on my commute. Nope. And I don’t want the Showtime dancers either. I want an uneventful ride where I sit quietly with my headphones. I never want to be smacked in the face by a flying Showtime foot, but I ESPECIALLY don’t want to smell your train lobster. Beat it, all of you.

I may be in a mood, but I hate these people and if I had been in the subway car I would’ve literally wanted to murder them.