For the longest time I really didn’t like Billy Joel. It seemed like he was played every hour on the AOR radio stations I listened to. It was just too much.
For the longest time I really didn’t like Billy Joel. It seemed like he was played every hour on the AOR radio stations I listened to. It was just too much.
Canceling accounts — what a great way to increase revenue!
It’s funny that when right-wingers try to sound intellectual, what comes out of their mouths is word salad.
In an early MST3K episode, Joel is asking the bots what superhero power they would like to have, and Crow responds, “I want to decide who lives and who dies.” I read that the writers gave lines like that to the bots because they would sound horrific coming out of a human being, but having it come out of a puppet…
I’ll be sure to watch this during the last third of an overseas flight four years from now.
I was going to mention this version! Absolutely fantastic! With only the score and without dialog and sound effects, the action scenes were electrifying. The scene where the bullet farmer is blinded was especially good.
They are the only company that still makes good chocolate chip ice cream.
I got my Maverick in “Cyber Orange”, which is actually School Bus Yellow. I love it! I get compliments on it all the time, which is weird because strangers approaching me in parking lots is something I try to avoid. When someone asks me why I chose that color, I say it’s because they didn’t offer chartreuse.
Finally saw it! It was fun!
She’s being honest. I prefer honesty over posturing any day.
I’m looking forward to this! I saw the pilot episode (or whatever you call it) on YouTube and I was intrigued. The humor is very crude at times, but there’s some real heart behind it all.
A thousand times this. I’ve seen clearly aggressive and reckless drivers blow past the local cops and they don’t even twitch. I don’t expect a full scale car chase, but at least turn on the lights and siren and acknowledge someone is breaking the law.
The local piano store recommends using Sprayway to clean even the most expensive pianos. Just don’t let it sit on the finish for too long.
Beige is camouflage. If someone breaks into your home your console is safe because beige is invisible and boring.
I just bought a yellow car! (Actually, Ford calls it “Cyber Orange” but it is clearly School Bus Yellow.) When yellow is a factory option, how can you not choose it?
Online idiots felt they could bully Florence Pugh and not Kristen Wiig. Why? Only their damaged minds can tell.
MacLeod’s website also has graph paper generators which are super cool. There are dozens of types graph paper that you customize and print out. My favorites are hexagonal (for TTRPG mapping) and iso-dots (for 3D perspective drawings). It was a great resource back when I was teaching high school math.
Don’t mess with the geometry truthers, bro.
I ... I think I’m attracted to the gay frogs. Something is awakening in me.
Ruff Sucker?