I can see them for free when I visit the site on my desktop. I don’t know about mobile devices.
I can see them for free when I visit the site on my desktop. I don’t know about mobile devices.
Looking forward to the Willy Wonka vs Elvis fight.
The flex account joke from the first season. That’s what got me hooked on the show. If they can include chocolate boobs and a flex account joke in the same show, then I have to watch it.
If you are a Monk fan, this show is just about perfect. It’s surprisingly dark, but it pays off well in the end.
I’m all for geofencing, but I’ve already sown my wild oats and I’m proud to be a very boring driver these days. If I were 20 years younger I’d probably hate the idea.
Sounds exhausting, but then everything does these days.
Thank you! I did not know that! This guy can’t even come up with his own rants, I guess.
Since you are navy veteran, perhaps you should take advantage of the mental health services at your local VA center. It seems that you are in distress.
Someone posted a thoughtful counterpoint to this, they got many more stars than you, and you dismissed their comment. Coward.
Elon claims the Cybertruck can tow a Porsche 911 down the quarter mile faster than the 911 can drive itself.
You should see what he carries in his pants.
Monkey D.-flated
I can’t think of a clever way to bring it up, but I want to say that I really like their song “Adult Education”. It’s got such a weird vibe, and mid-30s Hall & Oates singing about high school drama just makes it weirder, but it’s still a solid catchy song.
That’s the right amount of letters! That’s awesome.
I minored in nippleology in college. Just six three-hour courses if I recall correctly. Also, it’s pronounced nip-lee-ology, not nip-ill-ology. You can always tell the amateurs from the pros by how they pronounce that.
Dear God that is a good looking man.