For a second I thought the Native American character was Dani from the New Mutants and I was very excited. Alas, it is not, but I am still looking forward to this new season.
For a second I thought the Native American character was Dani from the New Mutants and I was very excited. Alas, it is not, but I am still looking forward to this new season.
I would prefer to see Jared Leto descending the Empire State Building very very rapidly.
Ghostbusters: Schmaltzy Empire
It’s all cultural. I visited Japan this past summer and took multiple 787 flights within the country. It only took ten minutes to go from empty to everyone seated. I didn’t believe it the first time so I timed it the second time.
The drawstring pants are extra classy.
No cozy mysteries? Father Brown, Sister Boniface Mysteries, and Rosemary & Thyme are pure comfort food.
Kinda wondering if the rug matches the drapes, if you know what I mean.
Just give me an empty drink cup and I’ll be fine. Maybe two.
I couldn’t live with one of those S-Box outlets. I’d be constantly afraid of spilling liquid that would then drip into an electrical outlet. Yeah, I’m sure they worked it out so it’s safe, but that fear would never go away.
This is a minor setback. They just need to teach the cars how to recognize human screams.
Paul Sun-Hyung Lee should be in everything. Those Star Wars series need to give him more to do. I love that guy.
I just want to add that the Bill Maher fans responding to this message are just as polite as you would expect.
You know, this slideshow isn’t showing up in the regular “latest” chain of posts anymore, and I’m not going to search for it every few days, so I’m not going to do this anymore. Having to search for data is the least fun part of data analysis.
Try sriracha sauce that is actually from Thailand. The rooster brand and rooster wannabes easily overpower the flavors of whatever you are putting them on, but the brands from Thailand are milder and complement your food.
Karateka was the most pirated game in my junior high’s Apple computer lab. This is my first time seeing it in color, because the teacher had the only color monitor in the lab, and no one was brave enough to boot it up on his computer.
I’ve been expecting them to make a Bill-Maher-esque heel-turn some day. Maybe this is it.
I was born and raised on cold vinyl bench seats. Young people today don’t know how good they have it!
With the new shot, I just filled my card up! Don’t I get a free sub or something?
You mean that if I don’t see this insanely long film, Kevin Costner loses his (unbuilt) dreamhouse? I can’t deal with this kind of emotional blackmail.
She’ll either be shamed out of existence or elected governor. There’s no in-between.