
Did you get the game on Steam? That’s the same joystick I use and I couldn’t get it to work at first either. Turned out it was a Steam issue— I had to go into the controller settings and turn off generic controller support.

As for your graphical issue that definitely sounds like some setting needs to be changed. I’ve

This game’s mechanics are essentially copy/pasted from SWTOR Galactic Starfighter mode, the way the ship handles, energy system, targetting and even the customizable loadouts are very similar. While a bit more arcade-y, Starfighter had an unforgivingly steep learning curve. In other words, I’m loving this game and my

“there are no TVs which can run higher than 60FPS”

Did not know about this and will be submitting my claim now, thank you!

But also.. why not.. use a picture of the powerbeats 2?

Regarding the legality? The argument by Epic is that this is more about antitrust laws, that Apple has such a large portion of the market and absolute control over everything that happens on their devices that it’s allowed them to use one monopoly (that iOS is the only operating system allowed on iPhones and iPads) to

In many people’s view it’s a monopoly because it’s a specific closed market, not an entire sector. For instance if there’s only one cable TV company providing service in a state for example there may be others nationwide but it’s an effective monopoly because there’s no competition. So because Apple enforces a trading

It is not Microsoft's game. It was a timed exclusive

It’s basically a roguelike Zelda game, which I’m sure you’ve picked up on. If you like that genre at all, I think you’ll enjoy it.

Spiderman will show up on a Microsoft console as soon as Gears shows up on a Playstation, and Mario shows up on a non-Nintendo rival console.

Well, to be fair, Nintendo brings that much on themselves, with their repeatedly underpowered hardware that doesn’t get much third party investment... thus requiring that Nintendo cover that gap with first and second party titles.

I don’t agree with most of your sentiments because Nintendo has released plenty of great games besides the ones that you listed (Mario Odyssey, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Fire Emblem: Three Houses) plus there are a ton of great third party games. That being said, I’m glad to meet someone who also completely does not get the

I do hope the sequel has at least eight traditional-style dungeons with more unique bosses, except that it’s fine if you don’t find a progression item in them. I like the open world though, despite not enjoying that in many other games.

Em....nope. Joe Pantoliano was lobbying her to reprise his role.

Its not just y’all; this, the electric slide and cupid shuffle are forever in the black cookout rotation. Though the other songs you have to know the dance  but it follows the same principles

The synopsis of the episode says it takes place in 2040. Dinah and Laurel are said to show up “unexpectedly” but no idea if that means they’re time displaced.

“Weed Edibles Aren’t as Safe as we think”

Article: People eat too many, it’s not actually harmful to your health but you can freak out.

So..... they are exactly as safe as we think. They don’t cause lung cancer. And if you take too many (accidentally) you have a bad high and then are fine. 

Maybe it was canceled because the show is bad.

I watched the first season and found it rather anticlimactic. All that effort at that cafeteria scene and nothing happened. It really turned me off from the show. Sounds like season 2 is better but I just can get over how disappointing season 1 ended. 

‘I Slept With My Gun’: What It’s Like to Get Your Ring Camera Hacked”

Taking advantage of a weak, publicly compromised password is to hacking as using a key under a doormat is to lock picking.