
Yeah I was a daily viewer for a very long time (first comment here is 2007!)

“at the expense of the people who made it possible for him to win the lottery”

Ok so your solution is get new jobs and hopefully your careers survive covid. That isnt realistic at all. If I had to restart my primary industry right now I’d be absolutely lost and not even able to pay my mortgage/keep my kid fed (as if isolation wasnt causing her enough grief). Over 50% of America lives check to

You seem to completely ignore what I am saying. Fine, lets go your route, lock everything down again. MAGFest doesnt happen last weekend. The 10 or so paid employees now once again have to worry about being furloughed (and I dont know the actual numbers but I would imagine if 2022 didnt happen, it may have killed it

Ok, so again, its “tough shit” for those in the entertainment industry because of the idiots who will likely never vax/mask. You paying for their bills/kids? The entertainment industry was one of the hardest hit, they were the first to shut down. So unless Biden wants to pay to keep everyone home (and that wont even

Again, who at the festival was forced to be there? Please report it to the authorities.

K, I’m not allowed to personally explain why I and other people I know weighed and took the risks in an article about exactly that. Lets stay indoors forever and I can watch a lot more of my friends lose jobs. Much better solution. (unless you have some sort of solution to the entertainment industry crumbling from

I am home quarantining (even though rapid test was clear and pcr was too!) and I was only in the hotel with other people who chose to be there, I’m not putting anyone at risk that didn’t choose to be at the festival. But sure, I guess try and make people feel bad about finally living their lives after doing the right

I am speaking for me and my friends who I have spoken to a lot about this.

Oh I was unaware any sort of mental health care is 100% reliant on doctors orders, when did this start? Please cite sources or stfu

Maybe you should feel shame for being a buzzkill. Some states have like zero restrictions and even going to the grocery store is an unmasked wasteland. So acting like a vax mandated mask mandated event is some super spreader is you just finding something to be upset about.

You realize that the “10,000" all agreed to be there right? like no one was forced to go to mag. It would suck hard if someone died, but everyone there accepted the risk, dont try and guilt people over hypotheticals. Aside from that for a lot of people the mental health break this gives was much much needed. but I

So, if a non profit/festival ended up going under because they cancel two years in a row due to covid, you footing the bill or helping it rise again? They complied with all local and state regulations and then went above and beyond those. I’m among the many that complied forever, lost countless work due to the concert

You’re also assuming English is their first language. Easily could have meant many things. Being amazed at human anomalies isn’t an issue, it wasn’t like they said “holy shit she’s hot” like come on.

Maybe they’ve never seen heterochromia? It’s not like the comment was objectifying her. 

i regret paying to see it, between using virgin as an insult (in what I guess was marketed to kids or who knows what the audience for this was), and just poorly paced scenes, felt super jumbled. its like someone loves wreck it ralph, ready player one, and the lego movie and did them all poorly in one spot. 

Its a kids movie, I dunno why people are so up in arms about it, I’m stoked, showed my 11 year old original last year and we will watch this next week. How the hell is this consumerism other than mentioning DC really? 

One skin doesn’t mean it’ll dominate the whole season. We got a Deadpool skin in an otherwise non marvel season. They’re giving vbucks buyers discounts on Disney plus right now, it’s likely that’s just a tie in with that.

Nope, I ended up having steam refund after weeks of waiting on it

Nope, I ended up having steam refund after weeks of waiting on it

It runs so bad countless people have refunded on steam, not surprised it’s already got a price drop. It sucks cuz it is fun especially in vr, but a 60fps cap is really off putting in vr

It runs so bad countless people have refunded on steam, not surprised it’s already got a price drop. It sucks cuz it