
I started coming here because I was a technophile and loved science and technology! and that’s on top of my fondness for io9. But I have no idea when Giz went from being a site for technophiles into a site for technophobes.

Every inventor benefits when his/her invention is adopted by the public. Your statement is ridiculous on its face - you work on a platform that was explicitly designed to be monetized and which could not exist but for the research and effort of those who developed the modern internet and yet you begrudge a guy for

So by your logic..  every artist, every performer, every writer..  should work for free, and expect some socialist state handout?  Or do they work for Walmart to pay their bills?  Or?  What exactly are you suggesting? 

Holy bad take, batman!  The whole tone of the article was bad enough, but doubling down in the comments is even worse.

Dude, get fucked. Wardle made something popular, for fun, and ended up with a ton of money. You should be happy to see someone prosper, not bemoan ‘your lost’, though you didn’t own it in the first place — hence, get fucked again.

Holy shit, get the fuck over yourself.

Sorry, I’m confused. How is it “at the expense of” people who made it possible for him to win the lottery? He threw something out there for free. He didn’t advertise it. He doesn’t display ads. He doesn’t harvest your data. You don’t have to play. People play because it was simple and fun.

You can literally copy the HTML and Javascript anywhere and run an exact clone of Wordle. To my surprise when I went digging, I found quickly that it was entirely self-contained in the JS and even the order of the words was predetermined and right there in plaintext.

Yeah, even at a couple of the events where these infected people were, like the Mega Ran concert, I was able to distance and I’m pretty sure I didn’t spend long enough around any of these people to get sick. With a couple exceptions like Super Art Fight, I think nearly every event had that room to spread out.

I’m double shot and for masks, but hate to break it to you, Omicron has completely changed the game, maybe for the better, that is yet to be seen (soon hopefully, with cases spiking and coming down quickly, and death rates continuing to drop) - And we aren’t here because of “people like him”, we are here for a

, but even if only a single person out of ten thousand dies, that’s unacceptable.

Yeah, they weren’t really saying they were surrendering and “letting” people die. They’re more like acknowledging the fact that the event was vaccine and mask mandated (which you even say all things should be) and the point of said mandates is in order for things to function in a “normal” way. Whatever normal may be,

You're right. I will turn back time and personally tell all ten thousand people not to show up. 

I was at MAGFest, and honestly it felt pretty safe. There was room to social distance, people were good about policing masking (both attendees and staff), and there were air-fives, elbow bumps, and waves aplenty. I’m quarantining now out of caution until I can get tested, and many people I know have been testing daily

Hey, if shaming individuals while ignoring and dismissing massive systemic issues that have caused this pandemic to last two years makes you feel better go for it.

And that’s totally your personal decision and everyone respects that! I could never hold that against someone. Just like it was my personal choice to go because I knew I was as safe as I could possibly make myself + I can safely isolate after. Whatever you’re comfortable with should be the most important, not what

Like, yeah. I could catch COVID from 4 hours on the convention floor where vaccines and masks are mandatory.

COVID is definitely propped up by a convention that didn’t happen last year and not the exploitive apparatus of capatalism stopping us from taking the broad measures necessary to deal with it.

I’m reasonably sure that I didn’t catch COVID at Magfest but if I do now I get to run around as Tobias Funke shouting a menacing “There are dozens of us! DOZENS!”

59 out of 10,000 attendees in a weeks time is an infection rate less than HALF the rate of the population as a whole. Less than 0.5% of attendees.

The US is currently experiencing a rate of about 6 million cases a week. With Omicron exploding in the past couple weeks, about 1.7% of the entire population is getting