
Are they illegal or illegal to be purchased? No grandfather law there? Sorry if I missed that on the post.

Gun buy backs in the US do not usually provide much value. The guns turned in are usually so damaged and antiquated that they are more of a danger to the user than the target. In short you don’t get dangerous guns off the street, you just pick up other people’s junk.

My guess is they’d still sell their old guns considering they mostly still have a newer one on hand. And old guns doesn’t really have any market to sell to with the wide availability for them to get a new one.

There’s a reason it’s the 2nd Amendment. It’s because it’s important to the people, right up there with Freedom of Speech.

If you so strongly disagree with one of the primary founding principals of the US, you’re more than welcome to leave.  There’s plenty of other countries where guns aren’t permitted (hint: they are still there), choose one and buy your plane ticket.

I think the correct term to refer the NRA is a terrorist organization.

I think a lot of our gun related political issues could be solved MUCH more easily if the main group arguing for gun rights was actually representing gun owners instead of gun manufacturers/dealers. These two constituencies actually have vastly different goals, wants, and priorities from each other, no matter how much

If we could act like adults then we wouldn’t have to ban anything and those lives would still be saved.

Symbolic gestures are pointless and won’t change anything. I own guns, I store those guns in a safe that would be very difficult for someone other than a very experienced thief to get into so the chances of them being used in a crime is statistically 0. I am also for expanding background checks and red flag laws that

Look, you have a handgun because you are afraid of bad people. If we did something like this, you and other good people would gladly participate. The bad people you’re afraid of would not.

Wow, that’s a staggering number.  I wonder how many lives we could save if we banned heroin!  Oh, wait...

I don’t think that’s the point. It’s nice to see a country affected by gun violence actually fucking do something about it, even if only as a symbolic gesture.

A month before isn't last minute

Taking all of 15 seconds to look at his video titles alone, no. No, he is not a liberal.

I have mixed feeling about them continuing the future storyline on Arrow’s last season (especially with, apparently, no Felicity, Dinah, Roy, or Rene). But I am glad that the actor playing grown-up William is going to be a regular, he was the standout of the new characters. He has interesting relationships with his

it felt odd tacking characters on this late in the series, knowing itll end.

Agreed. I was kind of hoping that at season 5, they would have been like, “Okay, we caught up, no need for these flashbacks anymore”. But I guess the writers think that’s “their style” and they’re afraid to let go of it. Oh, well.

What kind of mental issue does someone need to have to get on here and post “I don’t have a problem, therefor the thousands and thousands of people who do have this problem must be jelly-covered toddlers”?

When did Turbo Tax become a charity?

Hop, who literally stared at Winona Ryder longer than it would have taken to him to get back to the safety of the control room that’s 5 feet away,”