
I kind of want the Nancy Drew CW show to be in the same universe as Riverdale so they could do crossovers and she could team up with Betty, or, even better, Toni

Frankly I don’t think Germain and I were watching the same episode (or possibly even the same tv show). I thought it was trite and tropey and really boring.

I may be a minority here but that animation is just so off-putting, I can’t watch it.

Eh, it has its moments, but I think we got spoiled by TCW and Rebels punching above their weight class, whereas Resistance seems quite content to just be a kid’s show. It’s a good kid’s show mind you, but even the Lego shows have had more depth to them. 

Not really. My son and I watch it and so far, it’s by far the weakest of the Star Wars cartoons. The plot line (such as it exists) is silly and largely meaningless and the characters are not all that engaging. They’ve kept BB-8 around and pull in Poe Dameron and a few other new trilogy stars to try to keep some

Yeah, even though i realize that its a pretty shitty headset, i haven’t used anything else for the past 4-5 years. I tried those gamer headsets but they block out all of the other audio and i have a very good surround set i’d like to use. This thingy, as shitty as it is, works for me.

Thank you! This article was dumber then shit. I still use mine for emergency situations or traveling when I don’t want to lug around an entire headset with charging station. The author sounds like a crying child who got a free toy with his Happy meal. 🤦‍♂️

I love this ear bud!

Although its not comfortable, you dont notice it until you touch it after a while lol. Other than that its great because the audio is great for 1 ear piece AND its the only device with 1 ear piece vs 2 that exists. Reason why this is good is because when you live in an apt or habe roommates, you can actually hear

I’m in the same crowd, that ear piece has been my go to for chatting with friends on ps4. My alternative is a pair of earbuds i got from massdrop. Can’t really do headsets as I wear glasses and any headset I’ve worn puts too much pressure on my ears. If anyone knows of a 5.1 surround sound earbuds, I’d jump on that.

IMO it’s great for some basic easy streaming through the PS4 too. I don’t have an Elgato or any fancy setup so I just stream some games to twitch through the built in stuff on the PS4, and the microphone with the clip works great for that.

You’re 100% right. Came here to say this.

Yeah, like trade it in at least. Or RECYCLE it at least. You’re just contributing to a bigger problem by disposing of something that other people actually value.

True,I still use mine...would have been great if they updated it though,especially since I have the Spiderman collector edition ps4 pro 


It does a great job at noise cancellation on the mic.

Agreed. Surround sound is the way to go, and I love being able to use this for chat at the same time. I have several in the house!


Ha! I use that thing all the time when I play Destiny with friends. I don’t like wearing my over-ear headphones unless I have to (and I don’t have to often, since I live alone) and I have a nice surround sound system that I enjoy very much. So yeah, I use it plenty.

I can’t wait for Google Maps to work with Apple Carplay.
Once it does I can finally be rid of Apple Maps.