
I’m sorry, but I’ll give any film a pass if it allows me to watch the Iron Giant and Gundam wrassle with MECHAGODZILLA.

I don’t get why “cis white men” is even in this article to begin with.

I could have sworn the greatest line from Ready Player One was “I choose the form of Gundam”

How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.

Says someone who obviously hasn’t watched it.

Yes and no, I felt like the last episode was a cop out for the most part. It did end on an interesting note for the Abbies but for humanity I was like...ok so that’s your plan? Season 2 gave more backstory on how the town came to be and how they rebuilt from season 1. It did have a set up for Season 3 in the last

Did it have an ending? I mean did it just peter out into nothing or was the season/series finale worth it? I liked the first season, but didn’t see where they’d take it in S2, so I didn’t bother.

yeah, I didn’t mind it... but I don’t think there’s much more that show can do after getting some of those questions answered by season 2

Most guns are semi automatic now. Revolvers are normally semi automatic as well. Semi automatic simply means that you don’t need to prime between shots, the force of the previous shot does that for you. Most experts would consider something not semi-auto useless for defense, since if you miss your first shot (easy,

You can switch the soundtrack to the original in the settings.

I can dig that they would have worms on a space station, along with other lifeforms that they could experiment on, like I’m sure there were plants and other normal space station experiment type stuff. Seems like a missed opportunity. Why worms when it could have been Slusho organisms or something?

Yeah, I didn’t forget, I just assumed she was in the wall because... she ended up there when the primary space station jumped into the secondary dimension and she somehow ended up there because their positions were slightly off? Like fourteen months off? Or something.

The arm wasn’t sentient, alternate Roy was. In whatever parallel universe he was in, I imagine his arm was stuck in a hole and he was still able to control it. In his universe he learned the location of the gyro and thought “what the hell, may as well pass on the info.”


You had me at Matt Berry.

Bono sure ain’t perfect but taking this one line and frothing on it this hard with feminist hate anger isn’t right.

My take was that new artists playng the kind of music that got bono into preforming is pretty much gone. This article tried to play it sarcastically by listing a load of artists that already exist but ignore the fact that the list is populated by old acts who dont produce new material.

I think “having a soft, compassionate quality” is exactly how it reads. And it makes it way less sexist and offensive. Is his wording ‘politically ideal’ ? IDK, but it’s certainly not hardcore offensive or diminutive.

unpopular take: I think he meant music has gotten “girly” even from male musicians. “Girly” in this case meaning “having a soft, compassionate quality” vs. “made by women.”

What is “girly”?