
I think there’s a few things going on here.

I’ve never heard of the Raspberry Pi either.

Obviously, the robots body camera became dislodged in the altercation.

Hmm, to each their own I guess. The controls did throw me for a loop at first, and I didn’t score too well on the earlier planets, but it eventually clicked for me later. Although not the most intuitive controls, they do work, however I’m guessing results will vary depending on patience, skill and adaptability (things

Wii U was the first system I skipped. The Wii soured my love of Nintendo’s business practices and policies. I will not miss not experience the Wii U.

Yes, play it before selling. Get that shizz over with because it is as good as the first one. Hate the short haircut though, so BOOO to that.

I agree they blew it. There is still some fun to be had with the Wii-U, but just not enough. It’s a disappointment, for sure. Just like with the original Wii, I had to buy a supplemental console in order to play the best games.

Well, your opinion is your opinion, but overall I’m satisfied enough with my Wii U that it overrides the negatives aspects. On one hand, I also have a PS4, 3DS and Vita, so I’ve always looked at my Wii U as a secondary system. I have 15+ games for it, and there are others out there that I never got around to buying.

You wept so hard you didn’t notice the two Chinese women.

it’s down to Jon Snow and the Night’s King on the frozen tundra, Jon looks at the NK’s seeing there’s no fear in his eyes, as the climatic battle between good and evil is about to begin and end in westeros he sheaths Longclaw looks at him and says, “Care for a game of Gwent?”

Haha, more like kill steal of the game. :D

Welcome to the family, son. <barfs>

A-game post.

Well I hope it works. I dabbled a bit with a HomeRun so I feel your pain.

God,I fucking love YOU’RE NEXT. Watched it again the other night and I still bloody love it. Is it scary? Not really: I like to think of it as the DIE HARD of horror movies.

I can’t get on board with IT FOLLOWS but I think this is a strong list. I’m particularly fond of “YOU’RE NEXT” and feel like it didn’t get the audience it should have.

Loved watching Spider-Man and Black Panther and thinking “Man! Their movies are going to be AWESOME!”

Wife’s hard drive crashed and I wondered the same. Usually the licenses are tied to the motherboard. With Windows 10 they keep track of that info so when I reinstalled windows on a new hard drive it was already activated without me needing to reenter a license key.

The code is hardbaked into the configuration of your system. One of the reasons Win10 phones home is to see if your configuration matches in the MS database of approved updates. And if you’ve updated from a licensed copy to Win10 already, and passed the 60-day (?) rollback mark (where you can revert back to your