
If you have a valid license for Win8, you’ll get a free upgrade to Win10. Unless that license is a volume license, you won’t be able to upgrade everything. If you seriously require Win8 due to WMC, upgrading might not be advisable. Some other links to look at:

Just appearing somewhere and wanting a meeting with top brass doesn’t mean you get to. This was a token gesture to act like he wants to talk but really had no intention. Its like the guy who tells his friends to hold him back in a fight. Its all talk no walk.

Now playing

Hopefully they won’t rip off Meet the Feebles’ more sublime moments:

“I figured the Director of SHIELD needed a shield” Come on Phil, we all know the real reason is that you wanted to cosplay as Cap.

I’m glad that this isn’t the end of the Jay Garrick story. Still doesn’t explain how Wells saw Jay and DIDN’T KNOW HE WAS HUNTER FRAKKING ZOLOMON, WELL KNOWN EARTH-2 SERIAL KILLER.

I was and am still a huge Power Ranger mark. Sure, Rita’s classic look is iconic, but thus far I have no issue with this. She looks much more like a terrifying, tyrannical alien menace than some old woman in a ripoff Madonna outfit... The largely GREEN color scheme with dashes of gold did take me aback momentarily,

“I find your standing on the left disturbing.”

As much as I appreciate the Netflix Originals, I’d like to mention that Animaniacs just started streaming....

had to read that about 5 times before I got it.

had to read that about 5 times before I got it.

I had Bluetooth until I got this.

I had Bluetooth until I got this.

What are we looking at?

Yup. Honestly, this is easy to prove. Just Google Hulk brother.

Huh? Hulk used it all the time.

(in best Wayne Brady voice)
Is En Sabah Nur gonna have to choke a bitch?

They kill her off in the first three minutes as an homage to when they killed off Morph in the 90s animated show.

I love how dramatic the voice over is. “A strong magnet pull the cue ball out in to the chute.. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME”. Said with the same inflection that a voice over would talk about a serial killer who went back to the same house to kill again.. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I’d totally pay $50 and have six or eight friends round for beers, BBQ and a screening on my projector. It took a lot of convincing the wife to turn a basement room into a home theater, and while it’s no MTV cribs screening room level of kit*, I made sure the experience was theater-like by not skimping on the

If you’re a married couple with two kids and you all go to the movies, you are most likely paying more than $50 in ticket prices alone if they are going to see a new release and not waiting for it to hit the cheap theaters. Add soda, candy & popcorn and you’re easily pushing $100 for a family outing to the movies.

(still need to fix it in the Design section above)

Seems to me that this was referring to single parents having to pay for daycare... which IS absurdly expensive.