
If you’re using the tflight PS4 one that’s cheap and works on pc, make sure to get the driver and firmware package from their site, my throttle didn’t work until I updated the drivers and firmware, then all my buttons started working, I had to remap throttle and a few things though.

Hadn’t heard this one before, digging it tho.

Showing a pro pic instead of PB2 is suuuper confusing, I started thinking I had 2 and not pro lol 

If someone with the funds epic has will fight them over this system, let them, the small devs and other people would never even get paperwork filed against apple. It would be stomped out. The fact that apple has removed apps that make devices I own essentially half functioning and my only options are switch to android

One of the issues being fought here are things like apple banning apps adults use because of dumb national scares like vaping. Can’t download Vape control apps anymore after that ordeal, allowing side load would resolve that. Bigger devs have methods to directly let people install stuff, small devs don’t even get that

No one is saying they have to allow everything on their App Store, epic is trying to make it so their App Store isn’t the only way, this benefits all developers, big and small.

I would say it’s money grubbing for epic but they’re literally handing most of the savings to the users, everything now costs 20% less and if you bought anything in last month you got a 20% refund. Most shitty companies would have kept prices same and said “support us directly”

that was apparently a joke

I do it, PS4 controller with PC connected to tv, steam link is good for this too.

Microsoft making windows doesn’t have much to do with game sales on steam, MS gets nothing out of that.

The question is even harder now when all their “exclusives” are console exclusives and are coming to PC too.

Your description definitely sold me, I love zoning out and playing Binding of Isaac and Dead Cells, so this sounds up my alley. Thank you!

Like rymas1 said, console exclusives arent going to go away, theyre not new and they are what help sell systems.. I can’t play gears or halo on my ps4 (though I can on PC now since MS went that route).

You’ll be waiting a long while unfortunately since Sony owns Spidey.

I’ve watched some videos and streams, I might have to finally try it based on your description though.

I mean, yeah, it’s a personal problem. I literally posted my opinion on this, nowhere did I say this is the definitive take on things. Nor did I say everyone feels this way. Plenty of friends are happy with their switches. Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to be bummed that mine is collecting dust.

I would be fine with that, optional bosses where you just get a heart piece or capacity upgrade, something extra but not essential to progress. It was a beautiful game, dont get me wrong, I just felt it was too easy (until they added harder mode) and too empty.

Zelda was just such a far change from every other one that I wasn’t a fan, I’m not a big open world fan and the puzzle dungeons were boring and not as good as the old style puzzle to boss dungeons.

I mean that’s one of 3 things, almost every Nintendo direct for as long as it can remember has had a long portion of it dedicated to smash and Pokémon. Xbox first party titles and Sony first party come out pretty often and with their popular IP. Nintendo for instance dropped Star Fox 4 years ago. Before that it was 10

As someone who grew up a Nintendo fanboy they lost me the last few generations. The switch will probably be the last console I buy from them. They pick a few games and hyper focus on them while ignoring their other IP. It’s all animal crossing, pokemon, or smash.