
True, it’s not the worst, but it’s also like the “season” itself is a whopping hour-ish

They added chrome cast and airplay finally, worth a trial for the Reno series (even though it’s stupid short, each episode is like 10 mins)

Considering 3 of my 4 dots were free (amazon and best buy practically throws these at people), I’d love to upgrade but hard to pay even 35 lol

Considering 3 of my 4 dots were free (amazon and best buy practically throws these at people), I’d love to upgrade

Keith courage is def the most confusing missing item for me since it was the launch title that came with it. It was fun but kind of annoying lol.

If you’re in solo that’s basically what happens, you can spectate or leave. In non solo your team mates can gather money to res you.

We got this covered makes stuff up as they go along, several communities I mod have banned their links due to unreliability. I think even /r/DC and /r/Marvel (or their movie counterparts have banned them as well. 

As a father of a 10 year old, I hear this song way too often. Props to the guy and his positivity, that is awesome though.

I felt the Thea/Roy stuff was unnecessary, “hey I know we haven’t talked or dated in a few years and I bailed on you but let’s get hitched” lol

Even worse than that, it’s always seemed like Rene and Diggle are taking kill shots. “Don’t kill anyone Oliver” also “let’s roll in with guns blazing”

Arrow dealt with this too, between young William, Diggle’s kids, etc.

Has it been confirmed that the new show will be in the future? It would work well if they just kept them in the past like you said, guess we will know more once Crisis ends. Alternately, Oliver’s kids go back to the future and bring Canaries with them.

Met my wife on OKC, cant complain, been super happy for just shy of 6 years


USB-C brick is sold out

USB-C brick is sold out

1 mile isnt very far considering the range each tower covers.

Comparing a major hub like an airport to regular usage isn’t really fair, that’s going to be a super flooded set of towers, then add on the interference you’d likely be getting from all the communications equipment there. Even with 1 bar of signal in my office in DC I get 3Mbps, if I go outside or by a window it goes

Watched about half the first season and my daughter and I (who I watched all of CW and Rebels and the movies with) both decided to bail on it. Didnt find the characters or story interesting enough. Did it get better at some point? I pretty much never hear about it compared to weekly buzz like Rebels had.

Pretty sure Alex Mack was my first crush ever, no one seems to remember that show lol.

I mean, yes, but also this is antiquated hardware and it is going to be a super useless skill outside of this specific job so it wouldn’t make sense to spend too much time training on it. Granted at some people the people maintaining it will age-out, maybe theyll finally upgrade. Their IP reasoning is dumb considering

My only complaint so far is definitely the bots. While its nice to get a 5+ kill game, when 3 of them were just hammering at a wall and not really attacking me, it isnt near as rewarding.