
Considering theyre running a custom OS, they can do much more with it than a traditional windows SSD build.

A lot of artist friends seem to draw this method, it seemed weird at first, but now I am used to it lol

She might be too busy working on The Boys, threw me off when she popped up there in Season 1 lol

This is super tame compared to Friday or Saturday nights in the Just Chatting section where it’s 90% women with cams focused on epic cleavage and offering private Snapchat to donators...

With The OA I’d have to imagine viewership tanked compared to S1, it was pretty split at the ending, seemed like people either loved or hated it (I disliked it enough to not even think about watching S2).

Guns aren’t treated as a disposable item though, they can be used countless times before they cease to function. Not sure where you even get that idea.

I didn’t bring up Chicago, you did. Chicago is generally a bad right wing talking point.

So every biased and non biased site uses per capita and you decide you don’t care to read it. Yet it is relevant because we have a fuckton more people...

Please read about Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious. Our own government flooded the black market with guns. Punish any dealers doing wrong or straw purchasers with the fullest extent of law. I’m 100% for that, I also think the military courts should be held liable for the mass shooting at the Texas church

Plenty of people are for legislation, the NRA being the loudest and most powerful doesnt negate that and like I said, if someone can guarantee that all the rest are gone, I will happily give up mine, doing it before that has zero point. Roughly 12,000 homicides happen annually from guns, there are 300 million guns, so

You’re conflating gun owner with right wing gun owner, they are not the same. I am for lots of things that would help the situation, you can see it in all my comments. There are plenty of liberal gun owners that are for sensible regulations. The NRA types blocking it doesnt negate the rest of us.

That’s a stretch, I’ve said a bunch of times I’m for certain forms of control and want politicians to work on the root causes of these types of violence. My gun hasn’t harmed a single person, so how is someone else’s life gone because it’s safely locked up?

We aren’t even number 1 (attached image because kinja mobile doesn’t want me to paste links) but we also have other factors, our health care, the war on drugs, systematic racism. Lots of factors outside of just guns. Like once you exclude suicide our ranking drops even lower. We should work on mental health care,

Reading what I said must have been too hard for you, I linked a source that is neither pro nor anti gun and has a more clearly defined version of Mass Shooting. Doesn’t include family disputes and gang violence.

I get that, but that wont work here, there are already 300 million out there and there will never be enough manpower to enforce something like that especially since nothing is really registered. Our own government flooded the black market with guns under Obama and Bush, so its pretty fucked here in general. Id be

I think we both got wires crossed, I didn’t say that, I just said its part of it the US whether you like it or not, and that was in response to someone else (who in another thread says our gun problem is the reason cops kill innocent people of color, not systematic racism, so I’m done trying to even talk to them),

Fun fact: I voted democrat in the last 3 elections! But keep up with the assumptions! Please go educate yourself about systematic racism. Guns aren’t the reason racist cops are killing innocent people. Whether they’re shooting them, choking them to death for selling cigarettes, etc.

I’ve never once said I’m against regulations, in fact I’ve said countless times they need to start by unifying the laws across states. 

Nice assumption: I have had family die in a murder suicide and yet still don’t call that a mass shooting. I’ve had friends die in gang violence, I still don’t blame the gun, I have had friends shoot themselves, I still don’t blame the gun. I blame the circumstances behind them. Yes a gun made them easier, but if my

Do you not understand how racism in the US is entirely different from those countries? The fact that you’re literally blaming our gun problem for innocent people of color being gunned down by racist fucking cops means there is zero point in trying to reason with you. Between that and you resorting to ad hominem