
Plenty of non republicans are gun owners, so while that is funny for the right, it doesn’t really apply to the left or center

Are you blaming guns and not systematic racism for that one? lol ok

Yeah, so good try on that deflection, I’m not talking about Chicago at all. I’m talking about the fucking cops killing innocent people of color.

Yeah, I guess let the people who keep killing innocent people of color stay just as armed.

I prefer an actual list of mass shootings and not the suuuuper generalized version. That one has 115 since 1984. If you lump everything into a mass shooting, including two gangs shooting at each other, family murder/suicides, etc, that doesnt work.

How much do you actually know about guns? 99% of guns are semi automatic, it will never happen, getting rid of magazines as a whole is laughable too as it is the function of 99% of guns, police arent going to switch to revolvers and pump action only, then they can only use old m1 clips and rifles or something lol

Ok and who is paying for the manpower to enforce this? You would need a task force just assigned to door to door confiscations, law abiding folks would give them up, and the ones on the street (including the ones our last two presidents gave to the black market with botched jobs) will still exist.

Yeah, guns are the reason gang violence, suicide, poverty, and other things exist. But if we worked on those things it would mitigate almost all gun violence in the US, imagine that. But I guess if there werent guns, all violence would disappear right?

So whats more realistic, working on these root causes, or making

Maybe you didnt read my first sentence where I said states definitely need to unify the laws, I’m not against certain forms of gun control, just not pointless bans that will do nothing without the help of magic.

Is that the real issue? Because only 1% of them are causing the issues and bans only effect law abiding folks. Unless the US gets magical powers to make every single one disappear, it’ll never happen.

Yes, because the constitution gave us the rights to lawn darts, it is exactly the same..

So the slippery slope with that can also apply to the 1A, they didnt know the internet would exist, so all complaints about government or other things must now only be written on quill and parchment.

Considering buybacks undervalue the guns, theyd probably rather keep the gun instead of lose hundreds of dollars on a buyback

This country was founded on the 2A, it is part of the US whether you like it or not.

Considering less than 12,000 of the 300 million are used for murder, it wouldnt do much, unless you assume all people who use them for harm would actually turn them in. Which lets be real here, no criminal is gonna ditch their gun.

Yep! I wont support the NRA (or their stupid overpriced range). I like to refer to them as the westboro baptist of gun owners.

yes, because most likely starting another civil war is the best solution.

That’s the problem though, generally both sides want symbolic change, like the main argument in the US is to ban the AR platform, which accounts for less than 300 deaths per year (300 per year is all rifles in all formats). Symbolic change is pretty much doing nothing and patting their selves on the back for it.

Thing is, they have around 1.2 million guns in NZ, this only got rid of 1% of them, so it was a drop in the bucket and no person who would use these for harm would even have turned them in.