pretty sure this bridges gap between tron 1 and 2, not 2 and 3 considering this is all stuff that is supposed to happen between the first and second one.
pretty sure this bridges gap between tron 1 and 2, not 2 and 3 considering this is all stuff that is supposed to happen between the first and second one.
except in the video alan says he was at the beginning of encom
i got mine, no line and pure luck, went into a best buy mobile store just to see, they had 4, i got number 1/4. 16gb wifi black.
yeah at first i was like wtf this is way crazier than the others, then i look at upload date being yesterday, unless someone time traveled this video definitely isnt from today
great, now the other universe is heaven.
could vent out of the wall, depends on house i suppose, this would work for mine as it vents directly outside the house via side-wall
yeah, im confused, they've had flashback episodes, are they doing a flash forward episode? worries me, unless maybe peter can do something stupid and follow it up with "I WAS LLLLLLOADED"
i remember that now that i think about it, but i forgot about that episode/her being in it so i didnt get it at the time.
i never realized that gwen from torchwood was another character until watching this..having said that, eccleston was my first doctor and i still like him the best of the new ones.
its going to take him forever to log into that domain at that pecking speed
its been a long few days, somehow i read that as last episode of the series, brain fart.
or if you want 4g, get a samsung vibrant 4g from tmo, or one of the verizon lte phones and tether that as well, android ftw.
i thought the last episode in this series of V was called Mothers Day?
oh man, i laughed so hard at this video, never saw it before.
everything i read today basically said you can send yourself the aac files
yeah everyone hates it, yet they seem to be keeping it.
its because the abrupt stop of the escalator cause a bunch of people to fall, think of indiana jones but instead of giant rock, its people.
an event with a picture of the corner of an ipad on it. yeah its the ipad
i loled, "what you think im stupid?"
THIS! i have had a number 7 on mine for about a week, they are comments from io9, kotaku, and here, and never go away/mark as read. its ridiculous.