he just wanted to AXE them a question...
he just wanted to AXE them a question...
why not link the manufacturer? they have other way cooler stuff, they have mario and donkey kong and some other game stuff as well, i like their new tron stuff, but theyve been around for ages.
because anytime anyone talks about goth or industrial kids they think vampires or marilyn manson, its annoying as hell to the people who are really into it :)
if that were the case there wouldnt be other blurays that are 10$ though.
im talking in general, look around youll see new movies 30$ on bluray still
he should have done without the fangs, as a bigger promoter/label runner in the goth/industrial scene, he should know how badly this makes that crowd look.
not much of a deal considering most of their blurays are 30+$, still amazed that there are a lot of blurays that are in that price range, no way it costs that much to manufacture, its ridiculous.
if you arent using mac, i recommend inputdirector [www.inputdirector.com] pretty stable and ive had less issues with it than i did with synergy when i used that before.
im confused, i thought ryan died last week when the building exploded... he was tied to a chair.. wtf this show makes no sense.
wrong thread, welcome to the new gawker crappy layout, you probably pressed arrow left once and ended up back an article...
FFS gawker stop this madness, took me 10 mins to read this because it kept changing to and from next article when trying to page down since the arrows are right next to it.
i went to their studio to beta this back in december, so much fun, went with a friend, we played for hours even after the testing time was done we wanted to hang out and keep playing. the coop is awesome!
the wife wants an iphone but i wont switch providers just so she can get a phone, we both have galaxy s right now, but id consider iphone if they finally had more space, if i could stop carrying my 80gb classic and phone, and have both in one, id be happy. hell its not even full, give me 64gb.
i thought hobbes working for anna was old news, he met marcus in a car sometime last season and it was a big deal, then they never even mentioned it or showed that he betrayed them again. they shifted focus to ryan
this reminds me of when i was younger and had a n64 and some other consoles and either my mother or grandmother were like why cant they just make one game that fits all those so you only have one system, kinda funny how she didnt understand console wars or anything.
i think it was the same cake. but yeah this was crap.
check market, game updated yesterday or today (i saw update this morning) had another pack of levels.
imdb didnt show anyone by the name of simon on fringe except a fringe scientist that was in two episodes. at least not this morning
tried looking it up for almost an hour and deleted from dvr already, can someone tell me who played the mindreader? i know him from something else ive watched and its annoying me that i cant figure out what hes from.