
@AncientUnknown1: prob hanging out at the spawn on nightstalker with a M79.

honestly I had never seen it before pax east, I cant count how many times I saw it busted out and synced or whatever. even the guy working the nintendo booth had some custom black one and was syncing with kids, was pretty funny.

hey totilo, thanks for the beers :)

good thing they prevented the Breach of Breach... sorry, I had to, that in mind I'm usually not a big xbla fan but the breach demo was alot of fun, blowing up walls and using them as cover ftw

i stayed for most of the panel but man they needed to turn it up, anytime someone in crowd so much as breathed heavy you couldnt hear the panel speaking at all near the back.

@Fluorine: nah, I had dogfish IPA, IPA FTW, Geoff from gametrailers had a stella, (I'm in the middle)

this was one of my favorite show floor games that i got to play while i was there. just walked up and got in a 2v2, lots of fun.

edit out

@Sunfire-: not in photos but i saw at least one dude so far this weekend with the hat on

Awesome ones kotaku will hopefully get tomorrow that I snapped today:

@Kobun: Err I meant we are in number 19, can't edit from android :(

My wife and I in the far left of #18 with our glasses shining, was nice meeting totilo and keighly, though totilo tried to get me to say gametrailers sucks if I hadn't recognized geoff lol -christof who is taking a food break at wagamama, will post pics soon.

see you tonight totilo!

i've changed my vote, most of the opening night bands I can see another time, and mega64 panel will be on youtube eventually (hopefully)

2 more daysssssssss

still sad that kotaku bar party is same time as mega64 panel :(

why must you do this during mega64 panel and bands :(

really was psyched when I read this, but realized its during the concerts and mega64 panel at pax :(

ah cant wait til pax, 7 DAYS!!