not it

This postal Jeep has my stamp of approval.

Has anyone done a wellness check on Mr. Tracy recently? With the amount of wrenching that guy is subjecting himself to, he might be turning into some sort of rust/jeep/human homunculus.

D’Angelo Russell making the playoffs while the GALAXY BRAIN front office of the Lakers sits home again is one of the most heart-warming stories of this NBA season. 

ballsy weirdos, reclamation projects, and angular late-draft mutants

It’s cool, I’m pretty sure you can buy a replica in Joe Rickett’s Etsy shop.

I think ebike legality hinges on whether it has a throttle and what its top speed is. At least, those are the way the rules are organized in most places around the country. This is very difficult to ascertain casually, hence the dragnets that get deployed to target immigrant food deliverers for some reason (they’re

Haha, sounds like it’s time for you to move to the suburbs!

Maybe the pilot was so done with his yammering that he shot him out the plane.

They should just dump him and eat his salary. They’re already well below last year’s salary, so it wouldn’t hurt as much as it normally would.

For every Deadspin article about a player getting underpaid or avoiding free agency in exchange for long-term deals at less than “open-market value” - this article should be linked at the bottom as a reminder of the flip side of the coin when teams overpay for garbage and end up having to trot out said garbage with a

This, then, is what happens when a king of the three true outcomes loses his bat speed, and with it his power to keep pitchers honest, and is reduced to a one-true-outcome hitter. (The one true outcome for all of us is decline, and, eventually, death.)

I think that there should be a rule about black unis. They look cool. We all want them. You don’t get to use them unless it was actually one of your colors to begin with.

“since I’m not in the business of re-using old U-bolts”

He’s 100% going to get into broadcasting and continue providing Deadspin gossip about how much everyone on set hates him.

McCarthy was like a father to Aaron.

You mean the guy who is completely estranged from his family and basically every other human on the face of the earth was *also* petty with his teammates?


+1 Raptures

Any chance this guy goes back to Duke? I mean, he clearly seems to be enjoying (have enjoyed) himself there. God, that would be a helluva troll job.