That’s absolutely true, but they belong to an often shady “brotherhood” that frequently places generating revenue above the health and safety of the public, and maintains a culture that shields its worst members of any repercussions from their bad acts, regardless of the severity (up to and including murdering…
No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.
I mean, she works in the fashion industry. Are you surprised?
The camembert is good too, except it would be better as a snack before, you know, an actual meal.
I’m no doctor but I’m going to make a bold statement: I’m not sure that this diet has a healthy amount of calories in it. There. I said it. I know, that’s a controversial view.
She’s one of the most unfairly criticized, and mistreated athletes in her profession. What you call “worship” others call balancing the scale to the poor treatment she often receives
Drew, one of these years you’re gonna have win-loss record predictions that actually add up to a .500 total. One of these years, no doubt.
Jumped down here to say that Cryptkeeper Al Davis is already a great new feature.
That’s when I’ll want people in charge who know how to take a hit and keep going. As silly as it sounds, that’s when I’ll want people in power, both in the business world and politics, who played high school football.
Got halfway through your prologue before I started worrying about Barry having to delete every extra space in this exceptionally long Jamboroo.
Say whatever you want about him, but Commissioner Scarecrow is still a step up from Goodell.
Here’s a good lesson for you kids out there: never take joy in anything because it doesn’t ultimately matter.
It’s okay, Drew. It’s not your fault.
These articles have been great, but does Deadspin even have fact checkers?
In the best cases their services are almost unnecessary. In the worst, their mistakes play out under a glaring spotlight where they are punished at an unforgiving rate.
[takes a hit of meth]
I love that fanbases get upset about weed.