not it


The only thing I can imagine that would be worse than being disqualified from an ultramarathon is running an ultramarathon.

“Papa John [...] and ‘his affiliates and associates’ own 30 percent of the company.”

Drinking water is a slightly different type of cheating than like, using a shortcut.

Obscure reference but i get you.  

Sorry, I have been on vacation for a lot of this. I kept hearing something about Papa and the “n-word.”

Real talk, what a great night for A’s fans. Coliseum-record attendance (to the point they opened up Mt. Davis and didn’t have walk-up tickets available) and Bay Area fans of both teams were treated to quite a dandy of a game (worth mentioning how the Giants’ Alen Hansen got on base in the 9th to score the eventual

This won’t sit well with the fans.

. . . me getting angry messages by some guy that jerked off to Black Beauty.

I like this because it probably made the other horse owner weirdos super mad, possibly depressed, and that’s funny to me, because what the fuck are you guys doing with your life, right? But at the same time, this is just another weird horse competition thing to add to the never ending stream of weird fancy horse

I only know dressage from the Romneys, and as with that family, Wallace’s patriarch was also a jackass.

Their talented writers, editors, and photographers deserve so much better than this. It’s 20 years or so since the internet went mainstream but American newspapers still have no idea how to cleanly and attractively present their content. Look at two British newspaper sites, one highbrow in the Guardian and one lowbrow

tronc calls meeting with entire Daily News staff.

Pfff. Looks like someone went to an “SEC” school. 

Oh look, only for people with the expansions since it’s all 380 power in there. What’s the point of scalable content if you never actually use it?

The contrast between pro and college football coaches is striking. McVay can recall specific plays, but Art Briles can’t even remember the names of the players/sex offenders on his teams…

Part of me wants to say that this is really awesome and I am happy to see Bungie pushing the bar on adding secrets and challenging content to the game; the other part of me is disappointed that they are rereleasing a rerelease of a nerfed D1 weapon...

Why do they play the national anthem before every game again? 

NFL players kneeling & cowtowing to a foreign military leader?! SAD!

The players should just say they're kneeling before Zod.