not it


As someone who doesnt care about cycling at all, that might actually get me to tune it for a moment.

Imagine waking up in the morning, putting on your best pair of lime green shorts, your favorite adidas shirt, and turning your adjustable hat backwards, before looking yourself in the mirror and feeling like that not only is this good, but getting so confident looking like that that you decide you’re going to go slap

Going to have to quibble here. I grew up in the Bronx with a huge Dominican and Puerto Rican population. I know the market is vastly different but the large Latino pop is not. Baseball is huge for Caribbean latinos and Cubans make up a large portion of the Latino population in Miami.

Ultimately, quality teams and

I find the idea that he might have been inappropriate with his employees to be a little far fetched. I mean, is it even possible to make any pizza-based sexual innuendo? I certainly haven’t seen any 17 minute films that indicate that it is. 

a mismanaged business being led by an increasingly petty and vindictive Schnatter

Jetes agrees and thinks Cayman is gorgeous.

Am I the only one who thinks San Juan should be a candidate? You've got a population where no other sport comes close to baseball in popularity and I feel like a basic stadium similar to the Nationals park with 35,000 could work. Maybe there's something I am overlooking

Minor league teams might be an even better choice to place in Mexico, or elsewhere in Latin-America. The median income is so much lower that outside of a huge place like Mexico city, it’s hard to see places that could support an MLB team, but you could definitely find places to support minor league teams.

It hurts because it’s true. So very, very true.

that AAA stadium downtown is pretty sweet.  

Abolish Florida*

I think New York could use a 2nd professional team.

Tampa Bay should be moved. The other team....uh.....I’d say San Diego, but it’s a hell of a ballpark and they’re the only game in town....The Marlins? Yeah, the Marlins. Abolish baseball in Florida.

Here’s the thing.  You add two more teams in MLB, you now have to find cities in the minor leagues for AAA, AA, A, short-season-A, and I’m not sure there are enough small cities that can support professional baseball any more.  So really, you’re not adding two franchises ... you’re adding twelve franchises or so.


I assume their first date involved them going to get ice cream, with Aubrey Plaza silently staring at him while seductively licking her cold treat the entire time, and Michael Cera getting increasingly sweaty while rambling on about nothing in particular, until he finally gets so flustered that he dropped his entire

God, one Wizards team is too many as it is.

Bruh, you don’t put it there

Nobody said there was anything stupid or wrong about their pursuit of high-level players, nor about Brett Brown announcing their intentions. It was the right thing to try, and they haven’t succeeded.