not it

It’s not the money he wants, it’s the years. He’s arbitration eligible. He may very well get the largest arbitration award ever during the upcoming off season. He’s 30 years old. He wants a contract for a lot of money AND lots of years. The Mets don’t have to do that. Mets’ management has proven itself adept at only

DeGrom has a 1.68 ERA on a team that regularly starts Jose Bautista in the field.

And hello to you, guy who is doing great but not quite as good as deGrom so far this season.

Have you met America?

That would be great, I work for the Hoosier Times, and it would be so cool if one of us could make that happen for her.

This is the only comment in this thread IMO.

Grandma takes are the best. My grandma is 96, and while she doesn’t watch basketball, she has baseball takes galore. For her 90th birthday I took her to a game at AT&T Park because she loves the Giants and had never been. All she did was complain that it wasn’t as nice as when she used to watch football at Kezar

Another question Iris has been mulling this offseason: “How come the Sacramento Kings can’t do anything right?”

Iris woulda taken the buyout.

Shit, she might read this - I’M VERY SORRY IRIS

You guys should get her credentialed for Pacers-Warriors next year, cover her covering the game. 

But we’re glad to see those of you still around are still around.

I’ve always complained NBA broadcasters never say the score enough...  Should be repeated every 3 possessions

Iris > anyone on staff here, honestly

This is fantastic.

Ceviche still “elicits a chemical change,” so it counts!

“I prepared this” vs. “You cooked it” is the best/worst marriage argument I’ve heard in a while.

Papa John’s has evicted Papa John.

“Papa John Has Regrets.”