This is what happens when ESPN closes their comment section.
This is what happens when ESPN closes their comment section.
I know you don’t actually fucking care, and you’re just a troglodyte that wants to spew Fox News talking points without ever having an original thought, but on the off-chance you actually are both uninformed and want to learn, here’s what’s actually happening.
One in the same my friend.
This is not a compromise; it’s an executive making his labor shut up so he can cater to the dumbest people in our country.
Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.
The point is not “people being too mentally and emotionally immature to hear it”. The point is that it’s incredibly inappropriate in any workplace setting to use that word or that example to illustrate any point you’re trying to make, let alone when the occasion is *a PR crisis call about how you can repair your image…
+1 cup of garlic sauce
Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.
Aw, you got me. Eddie didn’t “kick my ass,” he just roughed me and pushed me down.
True story: When I was in 6th grade, I had an arch nemesis named Macalister.
Is it too much for John Sterling to come up with another inane home run catch phrase
Uh yeah, it is kinda hard. Go ask Michael Jordan how ‘easy’ it is to hit a Double A pitchers slider.
They have the fake beef cause baseball is boring as shit. A perfect game is people playing catch for 2.5hrs. A good hitter is 30%.
I actually kind of get this one. Cervelli is sitting there listening to this dude bitch and moan and it is probably getting kind of boring so he’s like fuck it let me stand up, walk away and let this guy do his thing. Then Eaton sees the catcher walk away and now he is being shown up so he says something to him…
teams are looking for the smallest of faux pas just to have an excuse to rush onto the field and perform some masculinity.
It’s like watching a really shitty episode of “How It’s Made.”
I am always down to EAT pie, I just cannot be bothered to make it (usually).
I’d rather walk into a porta-potty barefoot than walk through a baseball dugout barefoot.