not it

There’s an NBA franchise in Charlotte? I will write that down.

Please let him go to LA, please let him go to LA...

UPS doesn’t want people blowing red lights and speeding through school zones in big brown vans that say UPS on the side.”

Seems like the Spurs had to move from “Kawhi won’t he play,” to “Kawhere the hell is he.”

AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

Oh, they must mean cases like Melania illegally working here.

You guys had arguably the best player of all time on your team for 11 seasons and managed to win one championship. This year James single-handedly carried a team that barely should have made the playoffs all the way to the finals.  James has done right by Cleveland and to say that he owes the fans anything more is

Lebron does not owe Cleveland fans any further explanation than he’s already given. 

The reason hes getting 18 million is because they had to convince him to take a one year deal. KCP is a solid player who can fit extremely well beside Lebron and will contribute to their playoff run this year, but they will cut him loose next summer if it means landing Kawhi or another superstar, so they are overpayin

I don’t get this joke

LeBron doesn’t get enough family time so he decided to be a dad at work, too.

Good to see LeBron get another shot after his last GM stint ended poorly.

No way, the NBA has fewer good teams. 

As a baseball fan, I’ve gotten used to people saying a lack of a cap has made baseball so imbalanced (“it’s so boring the Yankees win like every year”). I find it hilarious that the salary cap, which supposedly is to “preserve competative balance,” directly resulted in making the NBA so top-heavy.

Prove me wrong, Lebron.

A ton NBA players talk about how the hold is their most prized metal...even guys with rings.  People like winning and winners, doesn't matter how unfair the tournament was.

He won’t make much money in the short term, but he’ll get to take all the time he needs rehabbing and then stage an audition for the rest of the league while likely coasting to a ring

I know division play doesn’t really matter anymore, but you’d think the Southeast would’ve shown some interest in cousins.

No shit. “High school theatre mentor”? Back in the day, this guy was referred to as Uncle Karl. As in “I haven’t seen much of Rod lately, mom. He’s been spending a lot of weekends on camping trips with his Uncle Karl.”