not it

Apparently, Fisher Price steam punk makes you look like more of an asshole than Victorian steam punk. Glad we locked that down.


Thank you for making our site’s community vibrant, intelligent, and fun!

As the debate continued to heat up— and Dumas’ light-hearted trolling continued to draw the ire of humorless drips everywhere

The truth can be unpleasant.

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

Permanently and irrevocably pulling the plug on the toxic piece of shit that twitter has become would accomplish more than having every person in the world work non-stop between now and the new year.

but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.

Just want to say thank you for all your work, especially your incredible investigative pieces year after year. Deadspin is a great place for dick jokes and making fun of Austin Rivers, but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.

Nice move by Kessel, but it’s a good thing she didn’t ask for one of his hot dogs (he keep three or four in various parts of his uniform at all times), because Phil wouldn’t have given her one.

She’s crying becasue she owns a hot dog stand and Kessel is out of town.

I’ve killed enough brain cells via alcohol that I should be able to forget 2017, thank the FSM.

Remember when the idea of a Major League team in Miami was so ridiculous that it was the punchline to jokes in Major League and Back to the Future II and also in real life in 2017?

Have you no sense of fun?

God, that fucking ruled.

I feel like you missed the best one, where Poe Dameron, dashing space flyboy, pulls a mutiny on the cold and frigid new commander who’s obviously not as a good a choice as him in his own mind, and it turns out he’s the asshole, not the hero.

Rust? Check.

The interior picture makes me think the interior smells like a lifetime of cheap gas station pine tree air fresheners.

Generally speaking your threshold for purchasing a Jeep is perilously low, so if YOU are wondering out loud, the answer is a deafening NO!

David, these vehicles are hulking piles of shit. I expect you to buy them.