not it

While it does look like a catheter, you can cut it to size... say if you wanna spray Gumout in a particular spot where you can’t reach w/ a regular straw, or the can itself.

This is far and away the most correct answer.

Is there any worse place to be hungover than IKEA?

“If The NFL owners can get together and kick out Double-J, can we all get together and kick Alabama out of the country?”

Because, by all rights, they should at least be the second slowest class, and being the tanking class, one could argue they should be the slowest class... and I’m a titan main.

Ha, nice mini straws... HERE’S WHAT I’M PACKIN’

I knew a guy in college who would buy a 5 LB tube of salami and just munch on it for lunch, put it back in his fridge, and do the same the next day. He’d eat it while playing World of Warcraft, or watching DVD commentary on obscure movies or anime. He also once ate a pizza covered in dead ants, which had been sprayed

I once watched a man pass out while in the middle of eating a bologna sandwich. Just before starting to eat it, he put a packet of mayo on it. He wasn’t sober enough to eat a sandwich, but he was sober enough to know not to eat balogna without mayo.

Don’t act like it isn’t you.

In other words, if it’s in the refrigerator and you get a little film on it, then you just fry it and it tastes just as good.”

Make sure that space is between Red and Tube. I can only imagine the results you would get if it was RedTube....

If we’re lucky.

Time is my best “free” treat, specifically time away from something. Usually time away from my work, my phone, the constant poop-stream of news. It doesn’t have to be alone, often I’d rather spend it with my girls or my dogs, but solo has its merits. Swimming laps at the gym, going for a long slow run, or grinding

That works. I feel like it would be attached to the spray nozzle of the can.

Someone hold me back!

I actually laughed loud enough in my office at the Rabbit/Jeep that my boss came over to see what was wrong.

The possibility of LaVar Ball taking his troll act to Washington D.C. is actually delightful.

“There’s no need to break down a kid’s spirit for making a mistake.”

Because Snake Eater on the 3DS runs like shit, looks like shit, and lacks every bonus feature that every other game had. Porting the HD Edition, which would almost certainly run at 60fps like the PS3/360 version, would be a massive improvement.