not it

Excuse me, in its long tradition of taking spent QBs, Washington has already spoken for Eli.

Or choose your own kink!

Jags or Broncos would be the best spots, for my money I think Jags.

This has to happen next year, doesn’t it? Coughlin’s not going to let Eli end his career with, say, the Cardinals. The Jags are close.

Or a clown was violently murdered in their proximity.

I understand they’re switching to Clean Coal, so they’re going to need to hire people to scrub and polish the coal now.

Obligatory Eli Manning Face time?

Yeah, they’ll start hiring again any minute now.

Update: Oh man.

I hope he still has the address of that coal mine.

Well, both Dallas and Chicago are very large markets and both are huge air travel hubs, as opposed to, say St. Louis or Kansas City.

The Angles

I think it’s Good Good Pacino. I just couldn’t do every movie, or even most, so I tried to pick the most dramatic examples for each. Scarface as a Good Bad was an oversight, probably.

Boy realizing we’re essentially the same age (I turn 33 in a few months) is so fucking depressing.

“A decade ago, the studio had fewer than 300 employees. Now it’s got more than 700. Adjusting to that kind of growth—and figuring out how to wrangle everyone—is no small task.”

He knew!

We’re in goddamned Demolition Man.

LeBatard said something this morning that stuck with me: We’re fast approaching a point where Alex Rodriguez will be more well liked than Derek Jeter. Who saw that coming?

Jeter gift basket jokes are so old, Roy Moore doesn’t even notice them while walking through the mall.