not it

But Jeter did arrange for one of his patented “morning after” gift bags to be left at his hospital bedside.

Did he at least get a gift basket?

Jesus Christ, what would be the complete opposite of a yeah jeets yeah?

and then you don’t have to worry about hand washing any longer!

I have soooooooooooooo many (Ladros, Hummels, Swavoski) from my dad and mom collecting them just sitting in our crawlspace wrapped in bubble wrap.

My wife went the traditional route when we got married, and registered for china, so we have a full set, along with all of the silver from her one grandmother, and ANOTHER set of china from the other grandmother. We use the china we registered for about 2x a year, along with the grandmother’s silver (actually it’s

I understand your argument. I love unique, fun, and quirky cars. But I also want to not be crippled when someone on their cellphone hits me.

Conan stopped being funny awhile ago.

Leno is absolutely charming when he isn’t on NBC doing their horrible late night show. I love him on Bill Maher.

I don’t like Fallon, but he’s better than Leno.

I’m so glad NBC fired Conan. So obvious they hate humor and comedy on their late night talk shows. I find it amazing they somehow found someone less funny and interesting than Jay Leno.



A Power Wheels Jeep that Rex Ryan customized.

You can’t spell “bench your elite quarterback” without Eli.

Jeep TJ? More like Jeep CP.

Clippy is trying to help. He doesn’t launch himself at the best paragraph in your paper, removing it without the option to save, because he’s a fucking idiot.

Andrew Neville Wilman was invited to the Royal Television society conference held Bi annually at King College Cambridge.

And I found my least desirable job in the world... the person who had to lift Clarkson’s 2nd and 3rd chin to paint orange underneath.