
I, for one, welcome these Soft Bois. As long as I never, ever have to hear Shut Up and Dance With Me ever again. 

I really do hate people. 

Wow that was super bitchy. Some people smile less than others. That doesn’t actually mean they they’re unhappier or less communicative.

Half the country = dumb though

The fact that Eve and especially Missy Elliott never won in the Best Rap Album category and Cardi B did is a travesty. Cardi B is a shit rapper and an even shittier person.

If he want’s to be super religious, that’s fine for him, but fuck dude, maybe keep it a bit more to yourself. I can not stand when people try to shove their religion down my throat. I’ll keep my atheism to myself, and you can keep your religion to yours. He’s officially my least favorite Chris.

^THIS!^ I think most of us can agree that there is entirely too much mom judgment (and judging women in general)... so I don’t know why it’s somehow ok to blast a woman we’ve never met over a childcare arrangement of which we have no firsthand knowledge.

I don’t think there should ever be a definitive answer to that; no hard number. Everyone will have their own opinion about it. And that opinion will likely change if they were ever in that situation.

i will not be at the sotu or your liveblog, but whatever deities you may or may not believe in bless you for enduring it

I always appreciate the opportunity to use this meme. 

I love her. And I am amazed by the number of people with all these odd-ball growths that are coming out of the woodwork to find salvation at her hands.
The pops, the squeezes, the slicing off of the nose growths -- all give me great satisfaction in this age of great anxiety. Now if she could just squeeze that big blob

I know he’s just a kid but fuck him and his victimhood. He knew exactly what he was doing and has zero remorse. 

The first couple of months are the hardest, like what do you do with yourself, right? I started going to AA and binge watching television shows at night. I wish you the best of luck if you decide it needs to be a lifelong thing, it really does get easier even when it feels like it won’t. 

Yup, this. I am an alcoholic, have been sober 5 years. There is no way I would start smoking weed instead because the core of an addictive personality is that if it makes you feel good you will overdo it so best just to not do it at all. Like if you have the occasional hangover and think smoking weed would be better,

Bless your heart.

So... The worst SB half-time show ever?

Try to have as less contact as possible, try not to open up or tell her things you know she will judge you for. 

Jezzies: how do you deal with difficult relatives? I am really struggling with some things that my mother said to me over Christmas. She is never on my side about anything and she assumes the worst in me. For example, she asked about an ex-boyfriend. I told her that he contacts me occasionally and that he acts like a

I’m gonna venture a guess and say that he doesn’t think one’s privacy extends to abortion because he believes a fetus has the same rights as a fully grown person, so an abortion is a violation of the privacy of a fetus